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[Дата публикации: 28.09.2018, 17:09:31, published by: Әкімшілік]


In order to develop the debate student movement, as well as the intellectual potential of young people, on September 28, 2018, the University held a demonstration debate tournament organized by the strongest debaters of the KGIU for first-year students.

The theme of the trial game was a resolution on measures of education of children in strict or free form.

In the course of the debates the leaders of the debate club of Rahimian Amiral, Bederov Alikhan, Tynyshov Konysbek and Baysal Yerzhan told about the structure of the debate club, about the directions in debate games, what types of debate are fully acquainted with the preparatory stage of the debate. During the demonstration game they demonstrated excellent oratory skills, having interested the 1st year students.

The game caused a very positive response from freshmen, there was a large number of students wishing to participate in the debate movement and learn the game of debate.

The first-year students will be able to realize the acquired knowledge and skills at the end of October this year in Karaganda at the annual debate tournament of first-year students of Karaganda region. This game was for them a kind of preparatory stage for future debate tournaments.

Debate is a very interesting and informative game. The debate, as a system of structural debate, originated in Ancient Greece, where it was an important element of democracy.

The positive aspects of the debate technology include: the formation of an attitude to a deep and comprehensive consideration of the issue in preparation for the debate, the development of the ability to analyze and compare different ideas and facts, make informed conclusions, build a chain of evidence, the development of the ability to concentrate on the essence of the problem, the ability to master the skills of the culture of discussion: the ability to hear the arguments of opponents, to correctly use the language of non-verbal communication (facial expressions, gestures, intonation), the development of the ability to clearly organize and express their thoughts orally and in writing, education of tolerance for different points of view, including different from their own.

Debaters of our University are among the strongest in the Karaganda region and annually show good results in regional and national tournaments. Only last week, our debaters won prizes in the regional debate tournament, organized by the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil service Affairs

and anti-corruption in the Karaganda region, dedicated to topical issues of anti-corruption culture.

The press service of KSIU

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28.09.2018, 17:09:31, Әкімшілік Categories: News