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Learn to disclose all the smells of life

[Дата публикации: 08.06.2018, 16:34:45, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


An unusual meeting was held recently in Karaganda State Industrial University. Associate Professor of the Department of Metal Processing with Pressure, candidate of technical sciences Zhuman Amanzholov talked with the group leaders and activists of the Committee on Youth Affairs about human potential, the meaning of life and purpose.

In the age of high technology, people are less and less analyzing and thinking, and more are moving by inertia. For many, it has become customary to find, without straining, any information on the Internet. Meeting Zhuman Amanzholov with students was conceived in order to help them learn to think more effectively and confidently go to their goal. The topic was not announced in advance to the activists, so they discouraged them. It would seem that a technical college – and the conversation went about spiritual.

By the way, the meeting began also unordinary: the teacher asked everyone to stand up, break up into pairs, turn their faces to each other and look closely into the eyes. And many people seemed to see the “partner” for the first time, although they met him almost every day at the university. This “warm-up” allowed already at the initial stage to rethink the daily routine and tune in to some other way.

Zhuman Amanzholov is a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. But he is not only a caster with a lot of experience, but a person who has a huge amount of knowledge and other topics. For thirty years Zhuman Kalykovich is engaged in self-education. Conversations about the purpose of man and the meaning of life, he on his own initiative for two years, spent with nonresident students living in hostels of KSIU, shared books from his own library, and now decided to meet with group leaders and activists.

– The main idea of ​​this meeting is that the person has everything that is needed: the body, the soul, various kinds of energies. It remains to work out the right attitude to everything that you already have, and to be grateful to it, “says Zhuman Kalykovich. – The beauty is that the person himself allows himself to be happy and successful. You allow yourself to smile or get upset, you allow yourself to deceive the other or deceive yourself …

During the meeting, Zhuman Amanzholov conducted the test: he asked to look closely at the board, and then close his eyes and say where it is. The students said, though not very confidently, that the board is in the classroom. But, according to the teacher, she was in their heads.

– In fact, the whole world that is outside is inside us. And when a person is involved in this, in interaction with the outside world, then every moment is unique, “says Zhuman Kalykovich. – We must be able to analyze and predict our actions. A person who knows how to lay out everything “on the shelves” will be successful. Success depends on ourselves.

The teacher tries to teach and share experiences unobtrusively. And he hopes that the grain is sown in fertile soil.

– It was very cool and interesting. The lecturer talked about personal growth, that all events in his life depend on the actions of a person, “said Saveliy Elefteriadi, the head of the group” TOMD-17 “after the meeting. – There was a very vivid example: Zhuman Kalykovich translated the years of life into months, and then in weeks to show: every day must be valued, for life is short, for this time it is necessary to do everything that depends on us. In addition, you must set goals always higher than you expect; strive for greater and better. It was motivational and inspiring. It is noticeable that the speaker is close to the topic. Personally, I really liked it.

In the plans of Zhuman Amanzholov – continue similar meetings. He wants to talk with the youth about the opportunities, talents and abilities that are in everyone, but that need to be developed and disclosed.

“Life has many amazing smells, and I want young people to be able to disclose them all,” says Zhuman Kalykovich. – The themes of our meetings will constantly change, but there will necessarily be a lot of information related to psychology, sociology, philosophy, as well as the experience of great and ordinary people.

Svetlana Egorova

Photo of the author


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