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Participation KSIU in the teleconference-lecture

[Дата публикации: 25.05.2018, 17:00:58, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


Students and faculty of the State Research and Design Institute took part in the teleconference “Geothermal Resources and Perspectives of Their Use in Russia”, which took place on May 25 at the Interuniversity Academic Navigation Center in the mining and geological profile on the basis of the State Geological Museum named Vernadsky RAS with the support of the Academy of Mining Sciences.

The lecture for students of higher and secondary special educational institutions of Russia and UIS countries was made by the Director of the State Geological Museum named Vernadsky Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. S. V. Cherkasov. In addition, the audience was the representatives of leading commodity companies. Among the participants of the space bridge were students and teachers of the KSIU. It should be noted that this is not the first experience of online participation of our university in such events.

One of the priority activities of the Interuniversity Academic Navigation Center is the implementation of the project on the formation of a unified communication platform for the development of a continuous system of education for children and youth in the field of geology and nature management, the education of an ecological outlook, career guidance for mining, geology and oil and gas. As part of this direction, the Center regularly conducts online broadcasts of lectures and master classes on the premises of its own professional recording studio equipped with the most modern equipment.

Press-service of KSIU

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