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New books on Kazakh language – access to the world literature

[Дата публикации: 31.05.2018, 12:34:06, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


Eighteen textbooks on the economy, management, sociology, philosophy, entrepreneurship, linguistics, psychology, religious studies, anthropology and journalism already been translated as part of programs “new humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks on Kazakh language” and free transferred to the public universities the country. 1485 copies of new books one of the first received Karaganda state industrial University (KSIU).

The head of state N.A. Nazarbayev in its program modernization of public consciousness focuses on the Humanities and highlights: “we need not just engineers and physicians, but also the people who are well aware of the present and future.” For the citizens of the country’s President made available to a better world literature. Textbooks for translation chosen by several criteria: they should be used in the training programs hundreds of the leading universities the world, republished at least three times, the last publication should be no more than three years. In addition, the book substantially must meet the requirements of ideological neutrality. Had a value and modernity textbook in terms of the presence of his multimedia component (for example, online courses). Among the books, translated to Kazakh language – the best intelligent products United States, Russia, France, Switzerland and the UK. 16 of 18 translated textbooks in the original written in English, one – by French and Russian. Translations were conducted only with the language of the original, on this insisted operator спецпроекта “new humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks on Kazakh language” – non-profit fund “National translation.”

In the library of KSIU (the city of Temirtau) shelves in the recently reported literature cause live interest and attract the attention of faculty and students. Else would be: colorful printing, fascinating names, high-quality translation.

Head of Department of “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages” N.A. Abdikarim has taken in the library of the University of two new textbook.

One of them – “Til bilimine kirispe” (“introduction to linguistics”). The book very interesting and useful. Earlier with scientific point of view of the language of considered as a means of communication. Years 20-30 ago, when we get higher education, opinions and proceedings of the Western linguists were inaccessible.

Now the direction of learning changed, and in the study language appeared multidimensional approaches – says Nurziya Abdikarimovna. – In this tutorial are very important, the dates and science-based topics that are considered by comparisons and comparisons. Here is not only considered theoretical questions, but there is materials with practical use, such as interesting section “grammar learning.”

The second tutorial, particularly interested in N.A. Abdikarim, – “Til zhane madenietaralyk communicacia” (“language and intercultural communication”). This topic is today, when there is a globalization and implementation of multilingual model of education, important than ever. –

if a person allows for some grammatical errors, then, in the opinion of scientists, it is excusably – is perceived as individual error – continues to Nurzia Abdikarimovna. – But when we are talking about the cultural issues to be in them uninformed completely unacceptable. When in communication allowed errors due to the ignorance of culture, people perceive it as an insult his people. Therefore, in first of all we all have to own knowledge on intercultural communication.

Senior lecturer “history of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian discipline” M. S. Soltan got carried away reading the new textbook “Sokrattan derridaga deiyn. Philosophianyn kyskasha tarihy” (“of Socrates to the Derrida. Brief history of philosophy”). – receipt of new books has become a Pleasant surprise for faculty of our Department.

In the near future we have the opportunity to give students quality knowledge of sociology, philosophy, psychology, religious studies and other topics – says Magira Soltanovna. – In the textbook “Sokrattan derridaga deiyn. Philosophianyn kyskasha tarihy” are available with historical events, key definitions, as well as biographies 15 thinkers, including – Descartes, Kant, Spinoza, Marx, Wittgenstein and many others. Knowledge obtained when reading this book, have a great value and personally for me – I rise level and the quality of their knowledge of philosophy that is useful to me at admission in doctorate, what I am now hard preparе.

68-year-old Zhetpisbes Akhmetov also powered by the Department of “the history of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian discipline” – teaches philosophy on Kazakh language. Book to read choose the appropriate – the first is “Antica philosophiasy» (“antique philosophy”).

– I have a great opportunity to compare the views of Kazakhstan, Russian and foreign philosophers, which are considered best lecturers Western Europe, – says Zhetpisbes Ahmetovich. – In the new textbook very detail, and indicating the reference to primary sources, described school of different philosophers ancient period, the Pythagorean, Plato and Aristotle to Dam and Augustyn, their views on the life. Interested in sections dedicated to religious philosophy, metaphysics, logic, knowledge of the world.

At the teachers of KSIU before the start a new school year is the time of the fact that the study new textbooks, then they will begin to use them in their work. In addition to the print versions of books for all who want to be free available their electronic analogues.

In the 2018 plan to transfer to Kazakh more 30 textbooks on psychology the Internet, international law, the history of Western philosophy, diplomacy, journalism, linguistics, semiotics, new pedagogy, the history of art, as well as on the economy and entrepreneurship.

Svetlana Egorova

Photo author

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