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KGIU develops partnership with rural schools: signed a memorandum with the school named after M. Suleimenov

[Дата публикации: 12.05.2018, 13:43:02, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


On May 11, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Karaganda State Industrial University – Alma Mater of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – with one of the leading schools in the Nurin district – the M. Suleimenov supporting school.

The event was held on the eve of three significant dates: the 20th anniversary of Astana, the 90th anniversary of the school and the 55th anniversary of the State Research Institute of Communications. In honor of this event, a festive concert was held, attended by honorary guests: the rector of the State Research and Design Institute Zhautikov B.A., the deputy akim of the Nurinsk district M.D. Turarov, the head of the education department of the Nurin district Mukanova S.A., the akim of the settlement Kertyndy Khasenov G. T., famous graduates of the school, teachers and schoolchildren.

The school named after the full Knight of the Order of Glory, veteran of the Great Patriotic War Mutash Suleimenov has a glorious history: for 90 years she from a small rural school has grown to the level of the Resource Center – the main school. The names of the school’s graduates are known throughout Kazakhstan and are inscribed in the golden chronicle of the history of the village of Kertyndy. These are doctors of science, and prominent state and public figures, who by their work increase the glory of their native land. Among them – the generals Erdenbay Isaev and Vladimir Wintergaller, the famous poet Burkit Iskakov, the deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Beibut Mamrayev and many other equally famous names.

The event was attended by a graduate of the school in 1969, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mamraeva Gulnaziya Baymagambetovna – the daughter of Baymagambet Mamraev, the head of the school in the 1960s and 1970s. In her speech, she noted the importance of educating the patriotism of youth through the care of a small homeland, stressed the need to develop partnerships between the leading universities in the region and rural schools, and expressed her gratitude to the leadership of the Karaganda State Industrial University for the initiative shown. She spoke in detail about many dynasties of teachers of the native school. It should be noted that the friendly family of Mamrayevs, whose 9 children are graduates of the M. Suleimenov school, has been helping his native school for many years. Having received education in a rural school, almost all followed in the footsteps of their father Baimagambet Mamrayevich and work in the field of education.

The personality of Baimagambet Mamrayevich is interesting: during the difficult war years he became a teacher at the age of 16, replacing the adult teachers who went to war, and since then he devoted his entire life to raising children. A man of high culture, erudite, modest, kind – he was a model for colleagues and students and enjoyed universal respect. Today, his children continue to work, who inherited the best features of his character from Baimagambet Mamrayevich. The golden fund of any school is its graduates, so the school staff has someone to be proud of.

The signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation with the M. Suleimenov School assumes the partnership of the KGIU and the school in the education of youth in the spirit of patriotism, achievement of the tasks set by the First President of the country in the program article “Ruhani zangyry: modernization of public consciousness”, “100 Steps” and ” 5 social initiatives “. It is noteworthy that in the assembly hall of the school a large banner made by the KGIU for the school is installed, with the words of the President “Patriotism begins with love and care for one’s native land.”

It is planned to organize on-line counseling of graduates on the preparation for UNT and KTA by the leading teachers of the university.

The KGIU collective gave the school young seedlings of fir and pine trees and after signing the Memorandum an alley was planted on the square in front of the school.

KGIU plans to continue developing partnerships with the leading rural schools in the Karaganda region. On the initiative of the head of the education department of the Nurin district, S. Mukanova. in the village of Nura, the next event will be held, in which graduates of 10 rural schools of the district will participate in the on-line mode.

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