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Language experts

[Дата публикации: 24.04.2018, 13:26:07, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


Student group M-16k Asemay Pushanova took the second place in the regional contest “Tildaryn”, and the KSIU team became the third in the regional polyglot Olympics held in Karaganda.

Asemay Pushanova went to the regional competition “Tіldaryn”, becoming shortly before the winner of the city, which was held at the KSIU. Then the participants had to show knowledge of three languages ​​- Kazakh, English and Russian. To do this, they wrote essays on the given topics, synchronously translated the texts and tried to fully disclose the content of the indicated topics. Stages of the regional competition “Tіldaryn” were similar. Its goals and objectives are to provide support to students who perfectly master the three languages, to form a culture of interlingual communication and to educate a poly-linguistic personality, to strengthen the sense of Kazakhstan’s patriotism, to bring up a comprehensively poly-linguistic personality capable of competing. A representative of KSIU successfully coped with the contest tasks and took second place.

And the students of KSIU Anel Zhumabekova (TOMD-17k-4), Nurislam Sarsenov (M-16k), Zhankeldy Amankeldy (TOMD-16k) and Nurasil Tarasov ( TMO-17k) took part in the regional polyglot Olympiad , held in Karaganda State Medical University. The students were prepared by the teachers Dana Ybray and Natalya Kan.

The Olympiad was held among students of 1-2 courses of non-linguistic faculties of higher educational institutions, who speak three languages ​​(Kazakh, Russian and English). Participants went through five rounds. In the homework it was necessary to present a presentation in the desired language, clearly define the mission, vision, purpose, objectives and organization of an ideal trilingual training program. In the second round of the students the game “Geoprady” was waiting, in the next – the pronunciation of words in letters in three languages, in the fourth – the game of captains, in the latter – an improvised performance on the proposed topic. As a result, KSIU team took 3rd place. The leader of the Olympiad was the team of the KarSU named by Buketova, in second place – Karaganda Economic University. All prize-winners are awarded with diplomas and gifts.

Press-service of KSIU


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