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Astana on April 12, passed the presentation of textbooks as part of the project “new humanitarian knowledge «100 new textbooks on Kazakh language”

[Дата публикации: 13.04.2018, 09:48:37, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


In the course of the event the head of state were presented 18 textbooks, translated and published within the framework of the implementation of modernization program public consciousness.

Nursultan Nazarbayev noted that the program article “look into the future: modernization of public consciousness” met a wide response among Kazakhstan, and stopped on the results of work on a separate it fronts.

– All regions connected to the project “tugan zher”, “sacred geography” and “100 new people.” for the year were brought tens of billions of tenge means patrons on the development of social infrastructure. Landscaped  and restored more than 700 monuments of culture, organized hundreds of scientific expeditions, – said president of Kazakhstan.

Head of state stressed that discussion new Kazakh alphabet was the historical step, demonstrating creative unity of our society.

Nursultan Nazarbayev, noting the importance of activities within the framework of modernization of public consciousness, have to a special role of the project “100 new textbooks” in the education young generation.

– Young people should receive knowledge corresponding to the highest scientific standards. So we have prepared a list of the best of textbooks, consisting of 800 books. It was created by the National translation, which has already begun to work. Today we witnessed the presentation of the first 18 books – said  president of Kazakhstan.

Head of state stressed the importance of the events in the context of the development of social and humanitarian sphere and called a number of its features.

-Today’s first intellectual tranche includes the best scientific products such advanced countries as the United States, Russian, UK, France and Switzerland. Few our young people provided opportunities to meet with them, – said Nursultan Nazarbayev. President of Kazakhstan noted that the translation presented books on Kazakh language was carried out with the language of the original.

Head of state stressed that this event has given start a new stage of modernization program public consciousness.

– Stage, which through advanced encyclopedic search opens the path to the Horizons of human development. Now due to the momentum, caused by the intellectual development, begins spiritual revolution – said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

President of Kazakhstan focused on the fact that the development of the world today largely determined by the potential engineering, indicating the importance of understanding of the purposes of use the advanced technologies.

Scientific knowledge – the main thing condition competitiveness of modern the nation. New tutorials – is this encyclopedia of knowledge. Now is important not only method of education, but and its contents. In this regard, the program “ruhani zhangyru” gives you the opportunity to carry out five year plan National training – said the head of state.

Nursultan Nazarbayev noted that in the world practice, there are some examples of such a comprehensive program.

New tutorials – is exclusive humanitarian library. It will be available for all people in three formats: in the form of conventional paper books, in electronic online versions and in the format video library of public lectures from the best lecturers. Our youth, living abroad, also will have access to it in that time, when the book will be published on the Latin script, – said President of Kazakhstan.

Head of state have the fact that due to the project implementation in Kazakhstan formed a new culture translation. In addition, the head of state said the importance of factor improve the competitiveness of the country and society.

-The program ” ruhani zhangyru” implemented for the future of our youth. In this context, it is very important to the younger generation actively подключалось to its implementation. Today we once again seen in the power of scientific and human potential formed we have for the years of independence – said Nursultan Nazarbayev.  Noting the importance of follow the principle of threelingual languages, President of Kazakhstan instructed to provide this year transfer, including the Russian language, several of foreign textbooks.

In the completion of the meeting the head of state gave a number of specific instructions the government of Kazakhstan and National translation.

-In the first place, you must provide further quality translation and the publication of 30 books planned on the 2018 year. financing needs to stand out on time and in full. Textbooks, translation which is scheduled to the following year, should be on time selected and analyzed. Second, one of the important tasks  is effective implementation of data textbooks in the process of education. Studied to these textbooks discipline need to be implemented in educational programs in the new school year. In the third, entrust systematize used in the scientific practice terms and publish a new dictionary humanitarian and economic vocabulary, – said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Well as President of Kazakhstan instructed to ensure appropriate quality control of the project implementation of the authorized state bodies.

– In the fourth, tutorials should be published and in the form of conventional books. At the same time, you need to develop online education. now in developed countries are virtual universities. “Open University of Kazakhstan” should get a comprehensive support. You must pay special attention quality control video library of public lectures, as well as prepared on their based on textbooks. In the fifth, project “100 new textbooks” plays an important role in the development of the school scientific translation. Therefore necessary to organize and develop experience, knowledge and skills in the field of translation – entered into the head of state.

Based on the materials of Akorda website

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13.04.2018, 09:48:37, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News