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The fight against corruption is everyone’s business

[Дата публикации: 13.04.2018, 10:24:07, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


Within the framework of the republican marathon “Adal Zhol – Clean Path”, an anticorruption quest was held at the KIU. On April 11, seven teams from different Temirtau colleges showed and told how to fight corruption.

The students of the College of Trade and Nutrition, the Medical College, the multi-disciplinary college “Miras”, the vocational-technical college, the industrial-technological college, the technical college and the higher polytechnic college took part in the quest organized by the KIU jointly with the internal policy department of the city of Temirtau.

The jury consisted of: D.N. Zhunusova, head of the internal policy department of Temirtau city; E.Gomarov, head of the state legal department of the apparatus of the city of Temirtau; member of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan; T. S. Voitenko; lecturer of the department “History of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian disciplines KIU D. K. Zhanabergenova and lawyer KIU O. M.Shalbarbayev.

The main goals and objectives of the quest – the formation of young people skills of anti-corruption behavior, intolerance to manifestations of corruption in everyday life, inculcation of anti-corruption skills, education of honesty and decency.

In the first stage, teams needed to correctly and quickly answer questions on anti-corruption topics. For example, when the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Combating Corruption” was passed, who is obliged to provide a declaration on income and property, who is the subject of counteracting corruption?

During the second stage, participants collected “anti-corruption puzzles. During the third part, the words were explained, which one of the participants explained, without uttering one-root words. Then the students of the colleges waited for the filvord on the topic “Justice”, where they had to answer, what are the material values ​​accepted for the action or inaction by the official, which supervisory authority controls the legality of the actions of citizens and officials, what is the name of the payment for what was done, and so on.

Noisy and exciting was the game with the audience “Give a bribe.” Someone was hiding money bills, and someone was looking for them. Participants experienced that giving or seeking bribes is not an easy task.

During the next stage, various illegal situations were demonstrated on the screen, and participants determined the type of corruption. Now, college students know for sure that if the city administration delays the resolution of the issue with a land plot for a long period at the request of the entrepreneur, then this is red tape, but if some government official in charge of distributing free medicines supplies part of the medicines to private pharmacies for their further realization at high prices, is a waste.

The final stage was the compilation of a poster for 7 minutes on an anti-corruption theme, the writing of a quatrain to it and, in fact, the presentation of the drawing.

After the jury’s meeting, the results were announced:

1 place was taken by the team “Құқық қорғаушылары” from Temirtau Higher Polytechnical College;

2 nd place – the team “Nespor” from Temirtau industrial-technological college;

3 place was won by the team “Operation Y in Temirtau” of the Temirtau multidisciplinary college “Miras”.

The winners were given memorable gifts and certificates, all participants received diplomas, and the leaders who prepared the teams received thank-you letters.

At the end of the quest, the facilitators reminded the participants that corruption is a street with a two-way traffic: if there are those who take, then necessarily there are those who give. It is necessary to fight in all directions. The fight against corruption is everyone’s business.

Press-service of KIU


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