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[Дата публикации: 20.03.2018, 19:25:58, published by: Әкімшілік]


Summarized the results of the Spartakiad of teachers and employees of the KSIU, dedicated to the holiday of Nauryz. The indisputable leader was the team of the technical and economic college of KSIU . The second place is occupied by the team of the faculty of metallurgy and machine building, the third position was confidently taken by the players of the Faculty of Energy, Transport and Control Systems and the Department of Operation and Infrastructure Development.

Four days of competitions in various sports passed unnoticed, accompanied by a heat of passion, sports excitement and active support of fans. Teachers and university staff once again proved that they are good and effective not only in the work process, but also in sports. It’s not for nothing that they say: sport and work are on the way. These two components make it possible to conduct fruitful activity in all directions.

The teachers and employees of KSIU competed from March 13 to March 20, teaming up. The sports building of the University opened doors for them these days from 4 pm, when the working day was coming to an end, but the most interesting thing was just beginning.

Volleyball games were held up to 15 points for three games. The teams consisted of six people each, a mixed composition was allowed. As a result of the competitions, the first place was taken by the faculty M&M team, on the second – the faculty ET&SM team, on the third – the DE&RI team.

Personal-team competitions were held in table tennis. The game consisted of three games and went to 11 points. The result of these competitions: first places – Omarov Nurlan and Babashaykova Ainagul. On the second place – Oshan Amanzhol and Karipolla Alkagul, on the third – Bazarov Baurzhan and Chepelyan Larissa.

Games in chess, checkers and togyz-kumalak consisted of one game and passed through the Olympic system for elimination. The first places in drafts – in the asset of Amanzhol Iztileu and Isabekova Gulnar. At the second position were Akhmetov Zhetpisbes and Sergazykyzy Anar, in third place Bayseyt Marat and Zholtay Saltanat.

In chess, there was no equal to Amanzholu Iztileu. The second place belongs to Akhmetov Zhetpisbes, the third place belongs to Janalin Serik.

The leader of the competitions on Togyz-Kumalak is Karipolla Alkagul. On the second place – Uktayev Lyazat, on the third – Bekeeva Asel.

Personal-team competitions were held in darts. The winners were determined by the largest sum of points gained from 10 hits – they were Kaldybaev Erkebulan and Turgumbaeva Gulnar. The second position was confidently taken by Bazarov Bazharov and Gulmira Kalysheva. Third places – at Utebaev Nurlybek and Zhumabekova Galiya.

Teams in the game in the asyks consisted of five people. The winner was determined by the more knocked-out asyks. As a result, Zholtay Saltanat is in first place. In second place – Bolat Tuganbekov, on the third – Bayseit Marat.

The match in mini-football consisted of two halves of 15 minutes each. The team consists of 5 people, the substitutions are unlimited. Leader of these competitions was the team DE&RI.

One of the most entertaining and fun sports events is the sports and entertainment relay race. Each team consisted of four women and the same number of men. The winner was determined by the least amount of seats in the stages. For violation of the rules 2 penalty seconds were added. Result: 1 place in the team of the fuel and energy complex. On the second place – faculty ET&SM , on the third – faculty M&M.

In the weight lifting competitions, Lehtmetz Vladimir (over 85 kg), Balgabayev Maksat (up to 85 kg), Akishev Talgat (up to 78 kg), Kaldybaev Erkebulan (up to 70 kg) and Nurmakhanov Nurkhan (up to 63 kg) took the first places in their weight classes. kg).

In the tightening of the rope the leading position was taken by the DE&RI team. The second place belongs to the fuel and energy complex, the third place to faculty ET&SM.

Organizer of the Spartakiad is the rector’s office of the KSIU. The main judge of these competitions was Kolesnikova R.K., the main secretary – Trus A.B.

On March 20, B.A. Zhautikov, the rector of the KSIU , in solemn atmosphere, applauded his colleagues, handed diplomas and prizes to the winners’ teams. Memorable prizes and certificates awarded winners in personal championships and active participants (in three or more kinds) of competitions.

  Press-service of KSIU

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20.03.2018, 19:25:58, Әкімшілік Categories: News