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K.K. Tokayev

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Memorandums between KSIU and Hungarian universities were signed

[Дата публикации: 05.03.2018, 16:20:38, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


The signing of memoranda of cooperation with four Hungarian universities is the result of the active participation of B. A. Zhautikov, rector of the Karaganda State Industrial University (Temirtau), in the Hungarian-Kazakh Rectors Forum, which was held in Budapest.

The forum of rectors, which was held at the “Corvinus” University, can be safely called the dialogue platform of the two countries on educational technologies. Among the priority areas in the development of joint projects are digital technologies, energy, transport and logistics, sports and tourism. At the forum, memorandums and agreements on mutual understanding between universities were signed, as well as between the Council of Rectors of the Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Association of Rectors of Hungary.

The rector of the Karaganda State Industrial University B.A. Zhautikov signed memorandums of understanding with Hungary’s largest University of Pannonia (Veszprem), the leading university of Budapest Eotvos Lorand University, one of the oldest technical universities in Europe, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and also with one of the leading universities of the country University of Debrecen.

– The University of Pannonia works in close cooperation with regional industrial partners and local authorities. This university is consistently among the top ten educational institutions in Hungary. It trains more than 14,000 students – both local citizens and foreigners, who can later participate in student exchange programs, “said Bakhyt Zhautikov. – The history of the University named after Lorand Eotvos totals more than four centuries. The modern name is associated with the name of one of its professors – a world-famous physicist. The University belongs to the Association of Universities of Europe “Utrecht Network” and has already been in the eighth year of research. Currently, the university employs more than 1500 teachers and trains about 30 thousand students, including foreign ones. Every year, the University of Lorand Eotvos offers several options for scholarship programs, in which foreign students can participate.

At the Budapest University of Technical and Economic Sciences employs more than a thousand employees and more than 24,000 students study, one third of whom come to Hungary from abroad. The University of Debrecen accepts approximately 32,000 students, more than 2,000 of them from abroad, and more than 1,500 teachers and professors.

As noted by Bakhyt Zhautikov, communication with representatives of different universities of the two countries is of great importance for KSIU. Establishing relations with Hungarian universities will lead to positive changes for all parties in the educational process.

The main areas of cooperation are: exchange of students, undergraduates, PhD students for training, scientific research, internships; joint conducting of courses and seminars, management of master’s, PhD-doctoral dissertations; the organization at the universities of internships of the teaching staff, researchers, undergraduates and doctoral students PhD. Attention will be paid to improving the quality of training and professional development of scientific and pedagogical personnel; joint preparation and publication of educational and methodological literature in order to update and create new textbooks on the basis of scientific research; the development of a joint program on publishing activities, the preparation and publication of scientific literature.

A mechanism will be developed and interaction of expert, scientific, technical and dissertational councils will be provided in the issues of assessing the level of preparation of undergraduates, PhD students, and their dissertations; Participation in the implementation of joint research in the priority area using the material and technical basis of the parties on a mutually acceptable basis.

– In addition, the list of the main areas of cooperation – the creation of conditions for training and retraining of personnel that increase innovation in the education and science, the commercialization of research results, – says B.A. Zhautikov, – the joint organization of scientific and practical conferences and seminars , joint participation and development of international cooperation programs in the field of science of innovative technologies, integration into the world scientific, educational and information systems, development joint scientific projects for participation in competitions of international funds and organizations, as well as organization and conduct of distance learning.

Press-service of KSIU

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