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“Miss KSIU-2018” was Venera Bazarbekova

[Дата публикации: 07.03.2018, 13:19:38, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


The holiday of beauty and spring, dedicated to the International Women’s Day, was held on March 6 in Karaganda State Industrial University. Students of the university, as well as of the technical and economic college at the KSIU , competed for the title of “Miss KGIU-2018”.

This competition, loved by all students, has long become traditional. He gathers a full hall of admirers and fans of beauties who decided to take part in the competition of beauty and charm.

More than thirty applications from first-second-year students of full-time education were submitted for the competition. Seven participants came to the finale, which took place on the stage of the assembly hall. As the organizers of the contest – the department for educational work and youth policy of the KSIU and the Committee for Youth Affairs – each of the contestants was worthy of the title of the first beauty of the university.

And now it’s time to show all your talents and show yourself to a large audience on the most beneficial side. By tradition, the girls passed three competitive tasks.

In the contest of business cards each participant, having appeared on the stage, presented herself with the help of slide presentation or video, accompanying the action with singing, choreography or theatrical mini-performance.

The most interesting was the creative contest, where the students demonstrated their talents. And the most spectacular, of course, as always was the way out in evening dresses.

First-year student Zemfira Atakulova has experience of participation in such events – she has a beauty contest in her native Uzbekistan, where she came to Temirtau to study.

– I really like to compete, I like bright competitions, – says Zemfira. – In the academic college, where I studied before joining KSIU, I took the second place.

And the other participant of the competition – Alina Eshat – participates in the beauty contest for the first time.

– I hope that everything will work out for me, and I will win. Although it should be noted that all rivals are very strong. Participate in “Miss KSIU” – it’s great! I think that the student’s time is interesting precisely for such events that make our life brighter! – says Alina.

The contest “Miss KSIU is held in the university for several years. As organizers say, participants do not need to have model external data.

– In the first place – the erudition of girls, the ability to present themselves and reveal their talents, – says the director of the department for educational work and youth policy Madina Salpenova.

The jury, consisting of representatives of the administration of the State Research Institute of Communications, faculty and partners of the event, evaluated each contest task on a 10-point system. Everything was taken into account: the content of the speech, the culture of speech, the oratorical skill, the stage culture, originality and individuality of performance, creative abilities, artistic expressiveness, emotional mood.

And now the long-awaited and exciting moment is the announcement of the results!

The Grand Prix of the competition and the title of “Miss KSIU-2018” were awarded to Venera Bazarbekova, a student of the Technical and Economic College at KSIU.

The first vice-miss was Zemfira Atakulova

Miss Originality – Madina Esbolova

Miss Creativity – Ainagul Uzynbay

Miss Nauryz – Gulzhanar Orokhan

Miss Talent – Yerkezhan Sarsenbai

Koktem aruy – Alina Eshat

All the participants were awarded diplomas and memorable gifts from the university management and from sponsors.

“Miss KSIU-2018” Venera Bazarbekova:

– I study at the Economic and Technical College of the KSIU  for an economist-accountant. I chose this specialty, because the economy was always interesting to me. In the future I want to be similar to the chairman of the board of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC Umut Shayakhmetov and just like her, to influence the changes in the Kazakh economy. Preparing for the contest was very difficult, but interesting. Such activities give chances to many girls to overcome their fear of the public. The competition was great, as all the participants carefully prepared. With rivals I had a good relationship, all the girls were very friendly. The first day we became friends and helped each other. In the contest “Miss KSIU-2018” I wanted to test myself, show my creativity. This competition inspired me to stage a dance with which I spoke. Since my childhood, I dreamed of becoming a professional dancer and shining on the big stage. To date, my dream has come true to some extent. Maybe not everyone will understand, but for me the scene is not just words, but something more.

Press-service of KSIU

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