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And again – about religion and peace

[Дата публикации: 29.03.2018, 16:46:08, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


The regional information-explanatory group consisting of theologians met on March 29 with students from the Karaganda State Industrial University.

The meeting was devoted to issues of religion, tolerance, strengthening and development of the secular foundations of the state, combating manifestations of extremism and radicalism, including in the sphere of religion. M. Imanbaev, head of the department of law enforcement practice in the sphere of religious activity of the Religious Affairs Committee of the Committee for Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Civil Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N. Bikenov, the head of the Department of Religious Affairs of the Karaganda region, the deputy head of the city of Temirtau on social issues and internal affairs D. Yesimkhanov, senior specialist of the city employment department D. Sattybaeva.

All speakers paid special attention to students that Kazakhstan is a secular state in which it is unacceptable to wear religious attributes and religious clothes in educational institutions. The youth were given an explanation of where to turn when questions of a religious nature arise. In addition, the participants of the meeting informed the hotlines, contacts of local executive authorities, etc.

On the instructions of the Head of the State, it was developed and in June 2017 approved the “Concept of state policy in the religious sphere of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2020”. This document provides a concise but meaningful analysis of the current situation, trends and vision of the development of state policy in the sphere of religion. At the same time, the draft law “On Amendments and Additions to Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Religious Activities and Religious Associations” was drafted. It was submitted to the Majilis in January of this year and is being finalized taking into account the opinion of the society and confessions.

Five new social initiatives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan are aimed at strengthening the socio-economic base, which will help to counter the impact of the supporters of destructive religious teachings on the consciousness of citizens. Given that one of the priority areas is the provision of preventive work among the population with involvement of civil society institutions, outreach meetings of members of the information and explanatory groups with the population were organized in the Karaganda region. On March 29, the meeting was held not only in the KSIU, but also in other organizations of the city.

Students of the university listened with interest to the speakers, after which they asked questions of interest to them.

Press-service of KSIU

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