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[Дата публикации: 15.03.2018, 18:49:19, published by: Әкімшілік]


A student of the technical and economic college at KSIU, Bazarbekova Venera took  the1st place in the regional competition “Korkem Aruy-2018”, a student of the group CTOS-17 Atakulova Zemfira became the owner of a special prize and a participant’s diploma.

On March 14, 12 finalists competed for the crown of the Palace of Culture of the Miners for the crown of the most beautiful girl of the Karaganda region, our university in this competition was represented by two girls: Bazarbekova Venera- a student of the technical and economic college at KSIU and Atakulova Zemfira, CTOS-17 student. On March 5, these girls won the university competition “Miss KSIU”.

The competition  consisted of 4 stages: business card, defile in  the evening dresses, creative competition “Minute talent” and homework “Astanaga Tartu”, at this stage the contestants were made by different techniques work.

Bazarbekova Venera presented to the jury an unusual gift: an owl performed by herself on a 3D printer in the laboratory of our university’s 3D engineering. The entire manufacturing process was filmed on camera, which precluded the possibility of any forgery. Why an owl? As Venera answered, it was the owl  because that an owl is the symbol of wisdom and knowledge, and she decided to give the owl from the many thousands of students of the Alma Mater of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The audience and the jury were surprised that Venera masterfully owns the technique of printing on a 3D printer and her gift caused applause. In addition, to the jury, she presented her creative number – a masterly performed dance. A truly talented person is talented in everything, therefore the 1st place in the contest was expected.

The second representative of our university Atakulova Zemfira surprised and captivated spectators and fans with an unusual creative number, demonstrating the wonders of yoga and unusual plastics. Her dance with a living snake, a strong press of her belly, which withstood a sharp knife, and lying on the broken glass also caused a flurry of applause. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Astana, she presented a picture with the views of our capital, made in the folk style – applique from felt, also made by own hands. Zemfira explained that our great-grandmothers owned this art in the distant past, this amazing style of folk art was undeservedly forgotten.

Performances of our students were bright and creative. The girls are warmly thankful to everyone who helped them in the preparation for the contest: groupmates, friends, parents, special expressions of gratitude they express to the trade union of students of  KSIU, which provided the necessary sponsorship.

A group of fans made their contribution in support of our beauties, in the role of which the students of the 1st course of the TMPP-17K-4 group led by the deputy dean of the faculty of  ETSC Zhanabergenova Dinara Kenesovna.

Press-service of KSIU






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