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[Дата публикации: 14.11.2017, 11:22:31, published by: Әкімшілік]


Associate Professor of KGIU Aliya Amenova is a bright representative of the generation of young scientists who are distinguished by clarity of thought and great potential.


In any developed society there are young people who are seriously involved in science. They make up the wealth of the nation, its most powerful potential. Aliya Amenova, an associate professor of the Karaganda State Industrial University, has reached unprecedented heights due to her desire for knowledge and discoveries. And it all began in his youth. After the end of the 7th grade, the future scientist easily passed the competitive selection to the regional specialized boarding school for gifted children “Murager”. It was not easy for her to part with her parents at that age. But the curriculum did not leave time for melancholy and homesickness – intensified study of mathematics and physics required concentration and concentration of attention.

When in the senior classes the question arose about the choice of the future profession, she firmly knew that she intended to obtain higher education in the Karaganda State Industrial University. Of course, the young entrant had the opportunity to enter prestigious universities in Astana and Almaty. But she followed the example of her father and uncle, who graduated from KGIU when he was a technical school and knew that there she would receive a decent education. Especially the girl had to learn from the graduates of the National Research Technological University “Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys” and the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.

“Besides, our university is the alma mater of the First President of the RK, that’s why I wanted to get an education in the KGIU,” the senior lecturer underlines.

Specialty Aliya chose the difficult – “Material Science and Technology of New Materials.” After receiving the master’s degree, the girl entered the doctoral studies of the Kazakh National Research Technical University. K.I. Satpayev, where she was at the head of the Council of Young Scientists of the Institute of Industrial Engineering. In September 2014 she was awarded the Ph.D.

Now Aliya Amenova is an active participant of scientific and technical projects on grant financing. Its scientific direction is the creation of an experimental production of innovative aluminum alloys from domestic raw materials and finished products with a nanostructured protective ceramic coating. The topic is very topical: in connection with the need for accelerated development of the leading branches of industrial production in the near future, the need for high-quality alloys will increase. Aluminum due to its unique properties is the most promising material used in engineering, aerospace engineering. However, Kazakhstan in the presence of ore reserves does not produce alloys from this metal. On the world market, we supply only alumina and technical aluminum grade A8.

– Unfortunately, I have no right to voice the field of application of the material we received, but I can say that there are no analogues to it in Kazakhstan. The results of our studies were recommended for implementation in production. The project is aimed at commercialization of research results and has already passed all the stages of selection of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Agency for Technological Development, “Aliya Amenova noted.

The young scientist works a lot and fruitfully. Only for the last 5 years Ph.D. Ph.D. has published about 30 scientific papers. In addition, she is a highly qualified specialist in the field of optical, raster and transmission electron microscopy and one of the few who can work with the program Thermo-Calc, which allows, through experimental and calculated methods, to analyze the composition of alloys and make the necessary calculations without leaving the laboratory. This saves time, effort, costs and consumables.

Aliya Amenova’s research results are used to prepare students, masters and future doctors of philosophy PhD. In addition, she heads the department of science, innovation and international cooperation KGIU. Its tasks include the development of international relations with scientific and educational universities and research institutes all over the world, as well as working with talented youth. Her efforts and efforts did not go unnoticed – last year she was awarded a high departmental award for her contribution to the development of the higher education system – an honorary letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Today, Aliya Alikhanovna dreams of creating a family by realizing herself as a wife and mother. And she links her future only with science.

– I would like to get world experience in foreign countries, in order to introduce the acquired knowledge in my native Kazakhstan, – the young scientist shared her plans.



Photo by Linara GALIMOVA

Просмотров: 420
14.11.2017, 11:22:31, Әкімшілік Categories: News