“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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[Дата публикации: 02.11.2017, 12:22:18, published by: Әкімшілік]


IMG_7315At the Karaganda State Industrial University on November 1, there was an interactive platform “Rukhani zhangyru: Kazirgi zamannyn syn-tegeurynrderi”, in which heads of state institutions, representatives of urban NGOs and ethno-cultural organizations took part.

The director of the department for educational work of the KSIU, Madina Salpenova, dwelled in detail on the special projects of the national revival program “Rukhani zhangyru”, the main goal of which is the formation of an united nation of strong and responsible people.

The project “100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language” is aimed at the restoration of the departments of the humanities in all higher educational institutions of the country, the translation into the Kazakh language of the world’s 100 best textbooks in all areas of humanitarian knowledge, and the creation of a non-governmental National Translation Bureau.

The project “Sacred Geography of Kazakhstan” is concentrated on the spiritual relics of our country, which are of national character.

IMG_7356The next project – “Modern Kazakhstan culture in the global world” – involves expanding the degree of recognition of the country through the positioning of achievements and the best examples of Kazakhstan culture. An international level support should be given to the works of modern authors, especially young ones, who actively use modern forms of submitting their creations.

“100 new faces” project will present to Kazakhstan outstanding people in various fields of activity: singers, composers, athletes, scientists, journalists, entrepreneurs and other professionals in their field.

“For the successful implementation of the Rukhani zhangyru program, modernization of the public consciousness is needed, which can be carried out

only on the basis of updating public and humanitarian knowledge,” said Madina Salpionova. – The main condition for the modernization of a new type is the preservation of its culture, its own national code.

IMG_7327In accordance with the program, “Rukhani Zhangyru” Karaganda State Industrial University conducts systematic work to preserve interethnic harmony, setting itself the task of forming a generation of Kazakhstan people with a high tolerant culture, for which the principles of national unity and public accord are a priority. Realizing the special importance of the spiritual mission of education, in 2016 a specialized department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan was established and successfully working at the university, whose activities are aimed at patriotic education of the youth. Memorandums on cooperation with the museum of history and local lore and the historical and cultural center of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan were signed.

For the first time in the region and in Kazakhstan, within the framework of the “Rukhani zhangyru” program, a multimedia projects competition and an essay “The History of My City” aimed at developing research initiatives for young people was held. The main prize was a grant to study at KSIU. This year more than 100 schoolchildren from all over Kazakhstan took part in the competition. The project, which won the first place, is placed in the programs “Virtual University” and “Virtual Temirtau”. Such competitions are fascinating in format and awaken interest in research activities. As the students themselves note, the contest allowed them to learn about the city of Temirtau many interesting facts. The project “History of my city – Tugan zher” was included in the register of the program “Rukhani zhangyru” in the Karaganda region.

IMG_7384Due to the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan, the office of the “Tugan Zher”, the Academy of the People’s Assembly of Kazakhstan, will open at the KSIU, on the basis of which ethno-cultural associations of the city will conduct work among students of the University and youth of the city to promote the traditions, customs and languages of ethnic groups living in the region. It is planned to hold a large-scale Festival of Culture “Caravan of Friendship” in conjunction with ethno-cultural associations and with the participation of young people.

The participants of the dialogue platform identified priorities and tasks for the coming years. A phased transition of the Kazakh language into Latin script will

proceed with the parallel functioning of the Cyrillic alphabet during the adaptation period. Attention to social and humanitarian knowledge through the implementation of the project “100 best textbooks of the world” will provide a platform for training qualified personnel able to compete in the field of knowledge on a global scale. The formation of patriotism will be organized on the basis of local lore through the program “Tugan zher”. And the project “100 new faces of Kazakhstan” will present citizens with the history of real contemporaries of Independence who have made a significant contribution to the development of the country.

Press-service of KGIU

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02.11.2017, 12:22:18, Әкімшілік Categories: News