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[Дата публикации: 21.11.2017, 15:27:38, published by: Әкімшілік]


КГИУ - участники казахской лигиFirst-year students of the Karaganda State Industrial University brilliantly performed in the open regional debates tournament “The Future in the Hands of Youth”, which was held on November 18 and 19 on the basis of the University. Representatives of the Russian league took first place among twenty teams, and the participants of the Kazakh league reached the semi-finals and got into the top-five of the strongest debaters in the Karaganda region.

According to the strategy of the development of the State Research Institute of Communications until 2021, the priority direction in the university is the development of leadership skills among students, the development of critical thinking within the framework of the National Plan “100 concrete steps to implement the five institutional reforms,” the ability to argue their point of view. For this, the Russian and Kazakh leagues of the debating club operate at the KSIU, whose participants have already repeatedly won regional and republican tournaments. This time only newcomers were invited to participate – those who in such events have an “experience” of less than one year. This tournament is held regularly among university students and members of youth organizations in two leagues in the Kazakh and Russian languages. Its main goal is to increase the competitiveness of newcomers and their skills to conduct argumentative discussions, as well as the development of the debate movement.

студенты КГИУ - участники казахской лигиEach team consisted of two debaters, who were accompanied by a coordinator to the tournament – he also provided moral support and gave valuable advice advancing to victory. Usually such games are held according to the format of American parliamentary debate, and the current one was held in the British format, when four teams participate: two representing the side of the government, two representing the opposition. To the last, none of the participants knows what topic the debate will be and who will stand for what position

– Our rivals were representatives of such universities as KSMU, KSU, KKEU and KSTU. On the first day, all the participants played – 40 factions. Our students submitted 8 factions, – said coordinator of the debate club “Abadan” of KSIU Yerzhan Baisal. – Topics were relevant, for example, “Gap year” and “Terrorism.” In the semifinals our students Қonysbek Tәzhіkov and Bijigit Inkarbek took part. And the best results in the debate were shown by Konysbek Tuzhikov and Rauan Makum from the group “AiU-17k”. The student of the group “M-16k” Omirzhol Rakimzhan became the winner in the nomination “Uzdik Toreshi”.

Participants of the Russian league prepared, and then accompanied the fourth-year student Vasily Kim, an experienced participant of debating tournaments of different levels.

Елефтериади, Ким, Малов - победители– The debate was demanded to put everything one hundred percent physically and morally. On Sunday, we returned home late – the event took a long time because of the large number of participants in both leagues. The results of the tournament were announced around nine o’clock in the evening. You can imagine the heat of passion, – says Vasily Kim.

As participants of the tournament told, the themes are announced 15 minutes before the start of the debate. In addition, it is during this short time that we must be prepared as best as possible. Therefore it is very important that the outlook of the participants is wide, for which it is necessary to constantly improve their knowledge, read different literature, watch news, discuss.

студенты КГИУ - участники казахской лиги– Our team, consisting of the students of the group “Technology of processing materials with pressure-17” Kirill Malov and Saveliy Elefteriadi, successfully passed four qualifying rounds, passed to the semifinal, then the final and gained a confident victory! – says Vasily Kim. – Participation in such tournaments is of great benefit. We always learn something new. In addition, new acquaintances and connections are established. We always have very interesting communication. Our university was invited to the game “What? Where? When?”. We plan to assemble the team and take part. For beginners, participation in the debate is especially valuable; as they learn their level, understand what else to work on and what to strive for.

“I believe that our guys will take prizes in city, regional, republican tournaments more than once, because their potential is huge,” says Yershan Baisal. – Thanks to the leadership of our native university for believing in us and for providing financial support.

Press-service of KSIU

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21.11.2017, 15:27:38, Әкімшілік Categories: News