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[Дата публикации: 08.11.2017, 14:02:57, published by: Әкімшілік]


IMG_8035Start X of the Presidential Olympiad in the subjects of the natural-mathematical direction was given in the evening of November 7. The intellectual battle, in which the strongest schoolchildren of 11 classes of the country take part, is traditionally held on the eve of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Every year the Presidential Olympiad attracts more and more schoolchildren. For the nine years, 1,410 people took part in it, 285 became winners and prize-winners and are now studying in prestigious Kazakhstani and foreign universities.


IMG_8025More than 160 best school graduates from fourteen regions of Kazakhstan and two cities of national importance – Almaty and Astana, participate in this year’s jubilee Olympiad. Each 11-grade schoolboy solves complex assignments in four subjects.

– Temirtau is a city in which labor and political activity of the President of our countryIMG_8029 Nursultan Nazarbayev began, and KGIU is a high school where the head of state studied and received higher education. And we want the children to see and know, “said Sholpan Kyrabayeva, director of the Republican scientific and practical center” Daryn “of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Each participant of the Olympiad represents his region – with his customs, traditions and sacred places. In addition to the fact that 11-grade schoolchildren participate in two rounds – theoretical and practical, which are held on the basis of the State Research and Development Institute, they will visit the museum of the First President of the RK, the famous Temirtau winter garden, and also walk through the streets of the city.

IMG_8031Competent jury, consisting of academicians, associate professors, masters and doctoral students of leading universities of the country, will determine the winners and winners of the Olympiad, as well as holders of diplomas of 1, 2 and 3 degrees of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The jury is headed by academician Mukhtarbai Otelbaev.


All winners, prize-winners and holders of diplomas of three degrees will have the pre-emptive right to receive educational grants upon admission to higher educational institutions of the republic.


Press-service of KGIU

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08.11.2017, 14:02:57, Әкімшілік Categories: News