“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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[Дата публикации: 14.11.2017, 18:29:53, published by: Әкімшілік]



IMG-20171108-WA0034More than three hundred representatives of Russia and Kazakhstan met at the forum of rectors of universities, which was held on November 8 in Chelyabinsk as part of the XIV forum of interregional interaction between the two countries. The main topics were the discussion of educational initiatives, the establishment of new contacts between universities and the signing of cooperation agreements aimed at the development of education and science. One of those who introduced the Republic of Kazakhstan was Rector of Karaganda State Industrial University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Bahyt Zhautikov.


The forum, which was held in one of the largest universities in Eurasia – South Ural State University (SUSU) – attended the rectors of 77 Russian and 49 Kazakh universities. It was SUSU that was chosen not accidentally, because almost three and a half thousand Kazakh students study there, 15 Kazakh professors and assistant professors give lectures, 45 young Kazakh scientists conduct scientific research.IMG-20171108-WA0046


In her speech, the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilieva stressed that the main role in the formation of human capital is played by higher education, noting that it must meet modern requirements. “The significance of such meetings is very great. The scale of our forum shows a high level of interest in the development of interethnic dialogue and the search for new forms of cooperation, “she said, addressing the participants of the event.


IMG-20171108-WA0037Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerlan Sagadiev, speaking at the forum, called for closer interaction between universities in the sphere of developing fundamental science, training scientific personnel, improving professional education, and stressed that the winners in the global competition will be those who will have advanced human capital.


As a result of the forum, the universities of Kazakhstan and Russia concluded 40 bilateral agreements aimed at developing cooperation in the educational and scientific fields. Joint work is planned for the preparation of students, the use of the laboratory and technical base of universities and the implementation of common projects.


– The program of the forum consisted of two blocks, which included work in sessions and a plenary session. My colleagues and I discussed the issues of development and stimulation of innovation activity of higher education institutions, raising the competitiveness of human capital, and also the topic of strategic partnership between universities in Russia and Kazakhstan, “said the rector of KGIU Bakhyt Zhautikov. “All this, I am sure, will accelerate cooperation and enhance its quality. At the forum, our university signed memorandums with the Moscow State Technical University named after Nosov, as well as South Ural, Tyumen and Chelyabinsk state universities. All the concluded memorandums are aimed at deepening and expanding the integration of science and education in the issues of joint research and development in priority areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. In addition, practical implementation of scientific and technical products, training and advanced training of scientific, scientific and pedagogical, engineering and technical personnel is carried out through memoranda. Scientific-research, scientific-industrial and many other structures are developing.IMG-20171108-WA0047


In Karaganda State Industrial University there are the only pilot experimental sites in the Republic of Kazakhstan with semi-industrial units and installations reproducing a closed cycle of real metallurgical processes and processes of metal working with pressure. The presence of a modern educational and scientific laboratory base is one of the main strengths of the university, which celebrates the 50th anniversary of the nation’s leader Nursultan Nazarbayev this year. At the university, where the formation of the Head of State took place as a specialist and as an individual, much attention is paid to the development of the system of training scientific personnel, participating in the implementation of state budget and contractual works, the development of innovative activities IMG-20171108-WA0040and the commercialization of scientific projects, improving the incentives for young scientists, increasing the motivation of scientific and innovative activities. In addition, integration in the system of scientific institutions of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, modernization of the scientific and laboratory base, acquisition of modern equipment and instruments, and much more have been put at a high level. To improve the effectiveness and coordination of scientific and innovative activities, the Department of Science, Innovation and International Cooperation functions at the University. The university policy in the field of science is built taking into account the priorities of the state strategy of industrial-innovative development and the academic interests of scientific schools.


Press-service of KGIU

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14.11.2017, 18:29:53, Әкімшілік Categories: News