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[Дата публикации: 28.10.2017, 14:57:54, published by: Әкімшілік]


01October 27 the traditional Initiation into the students was held at the university.

Initiation to students is an important event in the life of any newcoming student.

The tradition of dedication to students has existed for centuries. This is a kind of ritual, which not only entrants are eagerly awaiting, but also undergraduates who want to pass the “torch”.

02This tradition can be called international, since it extends to all countries and continents. Even famous Harvard and Cambridge held this tradition since the very beginning.

Official part included a speech by the vice-rector for academic work Sivyakova Galina Alexandrovna and Dean of the Faculty of Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering Musin Dinislyam Karikevich.

KSIU freshmen, having received from Dinislyama Karikevich’s hands, symbolic student cards, gave a solemn oath in which they gave the floor to hold high the banner of the student of KSIU, to study well, obey the curators and undergraduates.

03The first year students of the faculty of metallurgy and machine building, the faculty of energy, transport and management systems, the faculties of economics and construction, the technical and economic college at KSIU showed their creativity. As a homework, they showed a colorful, incendiary flash mob. Creatively the first-year students of the college appeared, before the flash mob they showed an interesting video with the wishes of freshmen from teachers and students. Prolonged applause was caused by performances in the team flash mob of the first-year students of the FETSU Zabirov Ayub, Ashurov Sukhrob, Mutiyev Chingiz, who came to study with us from sunny Dushanbe.

Emotional tone of the event was set by positive leaders: members of the KVN team of the KSIU Kim Slava and Jumageldiev Aydin, as well as the beginning hosts Serzhan and Toleu Uldana, who with their jokes and ability to work on stage “warmed up” the hall.

04Songs performed by our talented students Zhumakan Maksata, Talgata Nurhat, Avizhat Aksunkar, Nurkeldyzyzy Ұlbolsyn, Ainagul, the duo “Alau” (Arystanbekov Maksat, Sadirkhanov Almat) broke a flurry of applause. And under the final song “Kazakh Eli” the whole hall caught fire with five hundred lights, turning the end of the event into a colorful light enchanting spectacle.

The evening continued in the dance hall of the university, where a festive disco was held.

The celebration of Initiation into the students was a success, in turn, the Committee on Youth Affairs KSIU wishes all freshmen to pass through the first milestone and then successfully pass the session!

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Просмотров: 397
28.10.2017, 14:57:54, Әкімшілік Categories: News