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All our “Misters” – are especially!

[Дата публикации: 16.05.2016, 16:45:37, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


Traditional competition, devoted to the Day of Fatherland Defender and the anniversary of the Great Victory, was held in the Karaganda State Industrial University. The 10 freshmen of FMS and FTMA faculties fought for a rank of “Mr. KGIU”. They arrived in Temirtau from the southern regions of Kazakhstan and educated for the “Serpin” program.

On that day a lot of warm words were said in addresses of those, who participated in the Great Homeland War, who worked for the victory in the rear, who contributed to the long-awaited date.

The following guests were invited to the solemn ceremony: the warrior-internationalist, participant of operations in Afghanistan, KuralTuleubaev, veterans of work and rear workers, some of whom – Anatoly Kharlamov and Tatiana Minusmanova.

Leadings congratulated the honored guests on behalf of the university administration and presented them gifts in the form of tea sets, sets of chocolates and flowers.

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The contest “Mr. KGIU” included two stages: Introduction (it calls “Visiting card”) and Сreative.

At first there were 3 stages (the third stage was “Improvisation”, but it was canceled due to the large number of participants). Each stage was evaluated to 5-point system. The jury had a difficult task – to choose the best of the best.

The jury consisted of:

  • KuralTuleubaev (the warrior-internationalist)
  • Ainagul Abdrakhmanov (a director of the Youth Resource Centre of Temirtau)
  • Raisa Kolesnikova (a physical education teacher)
  • Alexander Choi (a choreographer of the University

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For the first stage, “Visiting card”, most participants bring their presentations with photos, which they showed on the big screen. Someone else told about himself and his hobbies. Several people showed funny movies about their lives and preparation for the contest.

Especially interesting and memorable was the creative contest. Someone sang, someone painted on a large piece of fabric, someone played the dombra and the guitar, someone read a monologue about his mother with tears in his eyes.

ShamshiSopbek acted with a rap song of his own composition, which is dedicated to the city of metallurgists and its citizens – beautiful girls and fun boys.

ElamanKayim laid on glasses with his friend standing on his stomach, showed unarmed combat techniques, lifted weights by his teeth and broke a bottle on his head.

AlikhanBalkybekov beautifully sang a song “Smuglyanka”, showing at the same time present theatrical performance.

All contest participants have approached the tasks responsibly as befitted a real men.

– The level of students training is very high in this year, – said director of the department of the educational work of the KGIU,MadinaSalpenova. – Each faculty nominated their candidates, which are passed the physical training and marching as well as using a time for choreography and vocals. Everyone looked worthily, every participant of this event is special.

And now – the long-awaited announcement of results and rewarding:

  • BalkybekovuAlikhan, student of group C-15K was awarded the title of “Mr. KGIU 2016”
  • SopbekaShamshі got the second place and the nomination “Zhigit sultans – 2016”
  • TastemіruTorehanu got the third place and the title “Superman 2016”

Other participants also were awarded different nominations:

  • BakhtiyarKarabisenov got the title «El Bolashagy»
  • NurzhanKazybay got the title «Mr. Talent»
  • NursultanZhumangali got the title «Mr. Originality»
  • ElamanKayim got the title «Die Hard»
  • SabitRaimbek got the title «KoriktiZhigit»
  • ShyngarKydyrbek got the title «Mr. Resourcefulness»
  • NurkeldіSattorov got the title «Cool Guy»

All participants received prizes from the rector administration of the university.

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(Translated by Privalov Ivan, AiU-15)

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