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Science – a creative work

[Дата публикации: 20.05.2016, 17:17:14, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


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Another doctor PhD appeared in Karaganda State Industrial University. The long-awaited diploma engineer of the highest category of engineering profile Laboratory (PRL), electron microscopy and nanotechnology Alexander Watermelon solemnly handed Rector Marat Ibatov in the presence of colleagues.

PhD PhD doctors in the specialty “Materials Science and Technology of New Materials” awarded to 29-year-old teacher of “Metallurgy and Materials,” the decision of the Committee for Control of Education and Science, Ministry of Education and Science of RK.

The main scientific direction of activity of Alexander Watermelon – development, research and implementation of new technologies for the production of metallic materials with ultrafine and nanostructured.

– Implementation of new technologies will bring the production of such materials to the industrial requirements and in the future go to the development of manufacturing nanostructured components, – says the young scientist.

His research focuses on the solution of major priority for state programs such as “The development of nanoscience and nanotechnologies in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “International cooperation in the field of science,” “deep processing of raw materials.” The main objectives is to develop new ways of deformation, allowing to obtain polycrystalline material with a grain size of less than 100 nm with minimal energy consumption and changes in the original billet sizes, as well as increasing process efficiency. Studies have already developed a number of new technologies and deformation tools for their realization, allowing to obtain metal with subultramelkozernistoy structure.

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Laboratory of engineering profile of the electron microscopy and nanotechnology, which works Alexander Watermelon, established on the basis of Karaganda State Industrial University in 2008. Key research areas of highly cohesive team of scientists of various ages – development of scientific bases of production of nanostructured materials by severe plastic deformation, the creation of new alloys based on metals produced in Kazakhstan, creation of competitive technologies. Here we are looking for modern approaches to the processing of a technogenic waste of metallurgical production, coal preparation plants and coal mines.

– Science – a creative work, and it is important inspiration, attitude and interest, – says Alexander Watermelon.

He was trained in the same university, where he works now – that is, in KGIU, formerly known by the technical colleges at Karmetkombinat. After successfully defending his master’s thesis, Alexander was an assistant at the Department “Metal Forming”, while continuing to actively engage in science, as executor of the two state budget. Three years ago, he entered the full-time doctoral PhD Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University at the department of “Physics of solid state and nonlinear physics.” The topic of his doctoral dissertation is devoted to the scientific and technological bases of reception subultramelkozernistyh materials by combining methods of severe plastic deformation. Twice on probation in Europe, where he participated in experiments at existing industrial enterprises. He has 10 publications in SCOPUS, 6 publications in the Thomson Reuters, Hirsch index h = 1.

Alexander Watermelon – a highly qualified specialist in the field of electron microscopy and physical analysis techniques, has a unique transmission electron microscope Jeol JEM-2100. He is a specialist in the field of

computer modeling of deformation processes and equipment in the DEFORM-2D / 3D software systems and Simufact. Forming, as well as CAD and AutodeskInventor Kompas-3D. According to the results of these studies has published 19 articles in international journals, has 17 papers in international conferences and one patent RK.

– Alexander different erudition, ability to analyze facts, to collect the necessary information and on this basis to make informed decisions, – said the head of LIP ’em and H “, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Asylbek Nurumgaliev. – The employee demonstrates the ability, considering the different options to make the right decision. He learns quickly and knows how to look “at the root” of the problem, separate the important from the unimportant. Even if the head does not always agree with his decisions, he always treats them with respect. Colleagues expect the employee’s ability to analyze a situation and make decisions and often turn to him for advice. In my opinion, the person who decided to become a scientist, should be a little bit “out of this world” to look for new ways to solve the problems facing humanity. This category refers Alexander and watermelon.

But no one is interested in science, the young scientist. In my spare time (which is very little) is engaged in mining and eco-tourism, astronomy and photography. Previously, for many years he led the city club “What? Where? When? “, With the team participated in the national championships. She likes to visit the cultural, historically and aesthetically significant places of his native country. He visited Charyn canyon, with rock paintings Tamgaly, the mountains of the Northern Tien Shan, near Almaty, in the mountains and Terskey Kungey Tau Tau (Kyrgyzstan) in the Kazakh part of Altai mountains, I went through all the peaks Kazakh hills in Central Kazakhstan. Everything else, visited many ruins of medieval castles in Poland and numerous monuments of ancient Italy, Barcelona and Palestine.

So closely intertwined in his life, science and travel, as if complementing each other, helping to explore the unknown and to develop further. The plans of a young scientist – to continue to study.

Press center KGIU

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