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International research and practice conference “Kayum Mukhamedkhanov and contemporary issues of Kazakh literature”

[Дата публикации: 02.02.2016, 09:47:51, published by: Әкімшілік]


Ministry of education and science if the Republic of Kazakhstan

Shakarim state university of Semey

 On the 8-9th of April 2016 year Shakarim State University is holding an International research and practice conference which is dedicated to Kayum Mukhamedkhanov 100 anniversary “Kayum Mukhamedkhanov and contemporary issues of Kazakh literature”.

 The main directions of the conference:

  • Kayum Mukhamedkhanov and development of abaitanu
  • Kayum Mukhamedkhanov and literary studies issues
  • Education of XXI century: traditions and innovations
  • The main aspects of social and humanitarian sciences

Conference working languages are Kazakh, Russian, and English.

Collection of articles will be published by the end of the conference.

Certificates will be given to the participants of the conference.

Information letter

Просмотров: 632
02.02.2016, 09:47:51, Әкімшілік Categories: Conferences, International