Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology
[Дата публикации: 15.06.2015, 14:09:03, опубликовал: Әкімшілік]
Greetings from SciTechnol..!
We are happy to inform you that Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology (ISSN: 2324-8777) is now accepting the submissions for upcoming issue of Volume-4 and welcomes author submission of original and significant contributions.
Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology (JNMN), a peer-reviewed and scholarly Journal, encourages ongoing international research and information exchange through publications of latest advances, research reports/ breakthroughs.
Papers may be submitted from any discipline across the themes of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology. Journal follows 21 days double blind peer review process.
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