“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Силаева Ольга Викторовна

[Дата публикации: 13.04.2015, 10:43:11, published by: Әкімшілік]



Full name:

Silayeva Olga Viktorovna


1991-1996 у.: Karaganda Metallurgical Institute majoring in Economics and Management in Industry. Professional qualifications: engineer economist

2007 KEUK, Karaganda Candidate of Economic Sciences

Work experience:


Work in this organization

2012 – present

head of the Department of «Economics and business»

NAO Karaganda industrial University

Since 1996

lecturer at KSIU

List of taught disciplines:

«Management», «Economic analysis», «Financial», «Management», «Personnel Management».


Full time work

Professional development:

2018 y.

Training at the CISCO Academy. G. Temirtau, KSIU

2018 y.

Academic freedom and autonomy in modern higher education of the republic of Kazakhstan: «Applied aspects», Karaganda, Kazakhstan

2018 y.

Global International Conference «Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan «Challenges and Perspectives», Karaganda, Kazakhstan

2018 y.

Kazakh language courses. Certificate (level A1) of Temirtau

2018 y.

Seminar on institutional and specialized accreditation «ARQA». Temirtau, KSIU

2019 y.

Seminars on Clarivate Analytics resources for scientific research. G. Temirtau, KSIU

2019 y.

Seminar « At work and in life. How it works and why it sometimes does not work « JSC «ArcelorMittal Temirtau». G. Temirtau, KSIU

2020 y.

Seminar «On taxes in simple language: Taxes 2020», Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region. G. Temirtau, KSIU


Management strategy. Regional economy and management Methodological seminar on the topic: Methods and models of innovative and technological development of the Karaganda region in the light of the implementation of the «Rukhani Zhangyru» Program. Academy of System Analytics and Modeling. Karaganda Methodological Center

2021 y.

Management in education (72 hours). MES RK Toraigyrov University

2021 y.

Economics and management for enterprises. MES RK Toraigyrov University

Membership in professional organizations:

Since 1996

Trade Union of Educational Workers

Awards and prizes:

2013 y.

Certificate of Honor of the Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers «For many years of conscientious work and contribution to the socio-economic development of the city, active labor activity»

2014 y.

Certificate of Honor of the Akim of the city of Temirtau;

2015 y.

The Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan awarded the bronze medal named after A. Baitursynov for her long-term and fruitful contribution to the development of the education and science system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2016 y.

Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2019 y.

Honorary Diploma of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Publications and presentations:

2017 y.

World experience of public procurement / Proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference. / The third modernization of Kazakhstan – new concepts and modern solutions, dedicated. To the 50th anniversary of the 1967 issue-the issue of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, – Temirtau. – pp. 212-218.

2018 y.

Questions of the strategy of increasing the knowledge of digital technologies in the educational process /Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference: Modern education: improving the professional competence of university teachers – a guarantee of ensuring the quality of education. – Russia, Tomsk: TUSUR– -. pp. 214-215.

2018 y.

The current state and mechanisms of regulation of social and labor conflicts /Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference / / « Regulation of social and labor relations «. – Karaganda, 05.11.18. – 216-219.Analysis of the current state of mortgage lending in the Republic of Kazakhstan. / Podolsky Scientific Bulletin No. 3 – – Vinnytsia. RSCI. – pp. 173-183.

2019 y.

The use of modern technology valuation of business operating company /KGIU Bulletin//Republican journal, – Temirtau, – No. 1. – pp. 164-172

2020 y.

Issues of legal regulation in the management of personal data in the digital economy/ International scientific and practical conference: Topical issues of economics and law: problems and prospects. – Astrakhan.: «Astrakhan State Technical University». 27.11.2020

2020 y.

Formation of economic socialization of graduates of a technical university/ Podolsk Scientific Bulletin. / Naukovo-praktichny journal. – № 3(15) – 4(16) / 2020 Vinnytsia. Ukraine. – No. 2 (14) 2020. – pp. 186-196.

2020 y.

Ways to solve the problems of supporting small businesses and prospects for further development on the example of Temirtau/ Podolsk Scientific Bulletin. / Naukovo-praktichny journal. – Vinnytsia. Ukraine. – №3(15) – 4(16) / 2020. – Pp. 146-153.

2021 y.

Professional Activities to Create a Quality Life (DOI: 10.34773/EU. 2021. 4. 20) / Economics and Management: Scientific and Practical Journal, No. 4 (160), 2021 Nur-Sultan

Other duty:

Secretary of the Academic Council of KIU

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13.04.2015, 10:43:11, Әкімшілік Categories: Резюме