“В целом перед казахстанским образованием и наукой стоит масштабная, неотложная задача – не просто поспевать за новыми веяниями, а быть на шаг впереди, генерировать тренды.”

К. К. Токаев

Блог ректора

Карагандинский индустриальный университет — ведущий вуз Казахстана по подготовке высококвалифицированных кадров для го...

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Turkey-International Conference -May,2015

[Дата публикации: 20.10.2014, 19:22:33, опубликовал: Әкімшілік]


Turkey-International Conference -May,2015

We have the pleasure of inviting you to submit your scientific work for the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “NEW DIRECTIONS IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH & PRACTICE” (NDMRP -2015)

Date: MAY 12-13, 2015
Venue: Hotel Novotel ISTANBUL TURKEY
Submit Manuscript to: NDMRP2015@globalilluminators.org
Abstract Submission Date: NOVEMBER 05, 2014
Full Paper Submission Date: DECEMBER 30, 2014
Early Bird Discount Date: JANUARY 30, 2015

Selected conference papers will be published in special / regular issue of ISI / Scopus indexed journals associated with this conference. Associated journals will allocate a special / regular issue for papers submitted to this conference.

Conference Main Tracks
Business , Management and Economics Studies
Health and Medicine Studies
Engineering & Technology Studies
Social Science & Humanities
Physical Life and Applied Sciences
Regional and Religious Studies
Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Studies

For more details visit:


or e-mail at:


Global Illuminators18, Jalan Kenanga SD 9/7 Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200Kuala lumpur, Malaysia 52200

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