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International scientific-practical conference «Culture,education and science for the benefit of society»

[Дата публикации: 15.10.2014, 23:06:41, published by: Әкімшілік]


International scientific-practical conference

«Culture,education and science for the benefit of society»


‘Turan’ University

‘Turan Astana’ University

Kazakhstani association of Marketing

Place of conference

Almaty, Kazakhstan

“Turan” university

Date of comference: 21st of  November  2014.


Aim: professional discussion of the role of higher education in the creation and transmission of culture through research and education, identifying the actual problems and prospects.

• the impact of high schools on the formation of value orientations of modern youth
and society in General
• integration processes in education as a factor in the interpenetration of cultures
• the quality of higher education in the context of the Bologna process
• the role of higher education in the development of human resources in modern society
• modern approaches and technologies to the management of quality of preparation of bachelors,
masters and PhDs
• modern approaches to risk assessment in education
• design systems with desired properties
• implementation of priority directions education development in the Republic of Kazakhstan

In the work of the conference will be attended by distinguished scientists of Kazakhstan, CIS and  abroad.


Conference languages – Kazakh, Russian, English, German.
To participate in the conference are invited scientists, specialists, employees of scientific organizations, faculty, staff training, doctoral students, graduate students, conduct research on areas of the conference.
According to the results of the conference will be published in the proceedings. The conference materials will be posted online on the website of  Turan”. University ”
Forms of participation in the conference report to the plenary session; the report of the breakout session; participation in the conference without presenting a paper; publication without participation in the conference.



The published work must be carefully read and edited.
The papers should be submitted in electronic form along with one copy of printed text. The text should be typed in WINWORD XP or *. RTF (Reach text format).
For materials – font Times New Roman, size 14, line spacing-single. All fonts must be fully compatible with the operating system Windows XP (2000).
In the top left part of the sheet should be typed the Universal Decimal Classification Code (UDC).
Next in the top right of the sheet are printed name and initials of the author, place of work, academic degree and rank. In the middle of the page in capital letters should be printed the name of the material, hereinafter keywords (10-12 words). Then goes the text that should be typed without hyphenation, using the following margins: left – 30 mm, right – 10 mm, top – 15 mm, bottom – 20 mm indentation begins with the third character. In the article no more than 2 tables, made in Word 2 of the drawings (Word group). Formulas should be typed only in the application equation editor Microsoft Equation).


In the text references of used literature  are printed in square brackets, a list of literature is placed at the end of the article. After the list of references should be a brief summary in Kazakh, Russian and English languages (4-6 sentences), as well as the title of the article in three languages (Kazakh, Russian and English); for scientists from CIS and non-CIS countries in Russian and English languages.

At the end of the article, please indicate the full name, return address, phone numbers (office and/or home),fax number, electronic mail (e-mail).

Do not use in the main text of the report in bold, italic and underlined font. Do not use automatic and forced migration, forced line breaks and page.

Up to 6 pages of typewritten text.

In the collection are published original, not previously published articles with author’s corrections.

The organizing Committee reserves the right in case of discrepancy between the requirements of article reject it from printing.


Conditions of participation

To participate in the conference until October 31, 2014 to submit an article in the paper and electronic versions address: 050013, , Almaty, Satpaev Ave, 16-18, 18 a, Turan University, room 209 or send e-mail to the organizing Committee maya60@list.ru the following materials:

1. The text of the article, prepared in accordance with the requirements.

2. Information about the author in the prescribed form (form attached).

3. A photocopy or scanned copy (or legible digital photo) of the receipt for payment for inclusion in the collection.


Materials will not be reviewed or returned. The article included only after confirmation of payment. The publication does not accept materials that are not relevant to the topic of the conference or registration rules, as well as the materials submitted with violation of the established order.


The registration fee is 3000 tenge with  receiving  one copy of the conference materials (without delivery of the materials  conference materials for scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan) or 35 USD (with address delivery of the conference materials to the CIS and  abroad countries). Abstracts of  PhD from the CIS and abroad countries are published free of charge (materials of the conference are to be submitted in electronic form one-mail).

One participant may publish no more than two articles (abstracts). When you publish a single author (or authors) of the two articles (abstracts) the registration fee is paid for each article (abstract) separately to obtain two copies of the conference proceedings.

The registration fee is to be paid in cash or sent by postal order in the name of  Zhuykova M.A. at the address: “Turan” University, 1st floor, Room 209. 050013,  16-18, 18А Satpayev str.,  Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan,

Ph.: 8(727) 260-40-00 (ext. 758), 260-40-18

Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Alshanov Rakhman Alshanovich– rector of «Turan» University, Doctor of Economic sciences, professor.

Deputy  Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Islamgulova Svetlana Konstantinovna, Vice-Rector for Science and Accreditation of  «Turan» University, EdD, 405 Room, ph.: 8(727) 260-40- 05,  e-mail: svet_islam@mail.ru.

Executive Secretary:  Amangozhaeva Erkezhan, Assistant Vice-rector for Science and Accreditation of  «Turan» University, Room 403, ph.: 8(727) 260-40- 17(ext. 763), mob.: +77079114474, e-mail: turan_nauka@list.ru.

Technical Secretary: Zhuykova Maya Antonovna,  209 Room, ph.: 260-40-18.

e-mail: maya60@list.ru


Author registration form:


The 1st

The 2nd

The 3rd

Last Name, First Name      
Position, academic degree, academic rank      
The name of the organization (full)      
e-mail, home and office  telephone number, (please include country and city codes      
Organization Adress      
The address of one of the authors of the article with a postal code for sending the collection  

Просмотров: 473
15.10.2014, 23:06:41, Әкімшілік Categories: Conferences, International