“В целом перед казахстанским образованием и наукой стоит масштабная, неотложная задача – не просто поспевать за новыми веяниями, а быть на шаг впереди, генерировать тренды.”

К. К. Токаев

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MDI Global Conference on Managing in Recovering Markets GCMRM 2014-17

[Дата публикации: 18.09.2014, 22:54:06, опубликовал: Әкімшілік]


MDI Global Conference on Managing in Recovering Markets

GCMRM 2014-17

Upcoming GCMRM Conference Schedule – CFP

MDI Gurgaon INDIA (www.mdi.ac.in), a leading business school in India, in collaboration with premier institutes and industry, across the globe is providing a common platform to discuss and confer the theme ‘Managing in Recovering Markets’ through a series of global conferences planned through 2014-2017 in different locations across the globe

You will agree that the global shift in economic scenario has thrown multiple challenges for most of the economies across continents, which has also provided the opportunities and drivers for the growth.

In view of these challenges and emerging opportunities, MDI (www.mdi.ac.in), Gurgaon, INDIA has already set the tone by organizing a 3 days curtain raiser event, a global conference at its pioneering campus during 5th — 7th March 2014. For glimpses of the same do visit https://gcmrm.org/gallery.html.

Carrying the agenda forward, MDI announces the future editions of conference in the series of ‘Managing in Recovering Markets’ (Ref.: https://www.gcmrm.org/index.html) in Australia (Nov., 2014), South Africa (Dec., 2014), Thailand (Feb., 2015), and India (March, 2015). More details about the conference can be obtained from www.gcmrm.org.

Please find enclosed herewith the links for Call for Papers and the detailed Conference Brochures and related conference information for your perusal & reference. Kindly download the attached Brochure (PDF) and please circulate the same to your associated academic forums, academic fraternity, doctoral and post-doctoral students & business contacts to extend a wider coverage and reach and participation.

Our upcoming conferences —   ‘CALL FOR PAPER’

@ Venue

MDI & Partner Institute


Call for Paper


  • Australian Centre for Asian Business, University of South Australia, Adelaide

8th – 9th November, 2014


WITS Johannesburg
(South Africa)

  • Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, India (organizer)

3rd – 5th December, 2014



  • Thammasat Business School, Bangkok

4th – 6th
February, 2015


MDI, Gurgaon

  • Australian Centre for Asian Business, University of South Australia, Adelaide
  • Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Maribor, Maribor

11th – 13th
March, 2015



We invite you to our upcoming conferences and look forward to your active participation and collaboration in one or more of the conferences and contribute to the enrichment of the research and solutions.

For your reference Global Conference office can be reached at +91-124-4560591/93 and email gcchair@mdi.ac.in.

Warm Regards,


Prof. S. Chatterjee

Conference Chair, GCMRM (2014 – 17)


GCMRM 2014-17





Management Development Institute (MDI), Mehrauli Road, Sukhrali, Gurgaon 122 007

EPABX: +91-124-4560591, 4560593, 4560000 | FAX: +91-124-4560456 | Email: gcchair@mdi.ac.in | Website: www.gcmrm.org


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