“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Discover Philosophy, History, and Literature resources from Oxford

[Дата публикации: 15.09.2014, 20:16:59, published by: Әкімшілік]


Invest in valuable resources for your library

As a prestigious academic publisher, Oxford University Press has a wealth of essential content in the fields of Philosophy, History and Literature that is relevant for all levels of study, from casual interest to postgraduate research.

We are pleased to highlight a selection of our key online resources which may be of interest to you. Sign up to a free trial to any of these products to assess their quality and relevance, or contact us to find out how these resources can benefit your users.

University Press Scholarship Online

University Press Scholarship Online is a rapidly expanding monograph database. It delivers the best scholarly publishing from Oxford and 17 other leading university presses from around the world. Alongside content from Oxford Scholarship Online, leading articles in Philosophy, History and Literature are available from the world-renowned Yale University Press, andStanford University Press. A wealth of related material is available from these and other Partner Presses in the fields of Linguistics and Religion.

Visit our website for further information.

The Oxford Journals Collection

Oxford University Press publishes more than 300 prestigious journals, and over 70 of these are in the Humanities. Leading titles include MindThe American Historical ReviewThe Review of English Studies, and, brand-new for 2015, The Monist.

Titles are available for subscription individually, as part of a subject subset, or with a custom package. Backfiles for the journals (pre-1996 content) are available via the Oxford Journals Archive.

Visit our website for further information.

Oxford Handbooks Online

Oxford Handbooks Online brings together the world’s leading scholars to write articles that survey the current state of scholarship in their field. Updated four times a year, thePhilosophyHistory, and Literature modules provide access to more than 3,900 cutting-edge research topics, and cover a wide range of issues, reflecting the diversity of the field and the importance of the disciplines in everyday life.

Visit our website for further information.

Electronic Enlightenment 

Electronic Enlightenment is the most wide-ranging online collection of edited correspondence of the early modern period, linking people across Europe, the Americas and Asia from the early 17th to the mid-19th century. With 63,968 letters and documents and 8,008 correspondents, it represents a valuable addition to your institution’s online library.

Visit our website for further information.

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