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Program of external visit within institutional accreditation

[Дата публикации: 12.05.2014, 18:44:26, published by: Әкімшілік]


Program of external visit in the Karaganda state industrial university within institutional accreditation from May 12 to May 14, 2014

Event Place Time Participants


1 Arrival Hotel During the day Group of experts

The 1st day: 12.05.2014

1 Breakfast Hotel 8:00-8:30 H, EG, C
2 Departure from the hotel to KSIU Educational building 8:45-9:00 H, EG, C, RP
3 Discussion of organizational questions Office of EG (new building, audience # 223) 9:10-9:40 H, EG, C, RP
4 Meeting with the managers Rector’s office 09:50-10:30 H, EG, C
5 Visual survey of university Educational and methodical department, Department of science and innovations, laboratory of the engineering profile “Electronic Microscopy and Nanotechnologies”faculties, audiences, library, Committee on youth affairs,medical aid station,

sports complex,


10:40-12:40 H, EG, C, HSD
6 Dinner Dining room 13:00-14:00 H, EG, C
7 Meeting interview withthe vice rector for study and viewing of materials on an activity profile New – 201 14:10-15:00 H, EG, C
8 Meeting interview withthe vice rector for educational work and viewing of materials on an activity profile New – 201 15:10- 16:00 H, EG, C
9 Meeting interview withheads of structural divisions New – 201 16:10-17:00 H, EG, C
10 Meeting interview with professorial and teaching structure Main building,audience  225 17:10-18:00 H, EG, C
11 Exchange of opinions of members of expert group New – 223 18:10 – 18:50 H, EG, C
12 Dinner Cafe 19:00-20:00 H, EG, C
13 Transportation to hotel Hotel 20:10-20:30 H, EG, C

The 2nd day: 13.05.2014

1 Breakfast Hotel 8:00-8:45 H, EG, C
2 Transportation to educational cases 8:45-9:00 H, EG, C
3 Selective survey of chairs, visit of studies Chairs: Power industry and automation of technical systems, Processing of metals with pressure, Civil engineering and power system, Management and business 9:00-13:00 H, EG 1,EG 2, HSD
4 Dinner Dining room 13:00-14:00 H, EG, C
5 Meeting interview withstudents and undergraduates І – 225 14:00-15:00 H, EG, C
6 Exchange of opinions of members of expert group New – 223 15:00-16:00 H, EG, C
7 Meeting interview withgraduates of university І – 225 16:00-17:00
8 Meeting interview with employers І – 225 17:00-18:00 H, EG, C
9 Exchange of opinions of members of expert groupReport preparation New – 223 18:00-19:00 H, EG, C
10 Dinner Cafe 19:00-20:00 H, EG, C
11 Transportation to hotel Hotel 20:00-20:30 H, EG, C

The 3rd day: 14.05.2014

1 Breakfast Hotel 8:00-9:00 H, EG, C
2 Transportation to the main building Educational building 8:45-9:00 H, EG, C
3 Selective survey of objects Chairs: History of Kazakhstan and general disciplines, Informational technologies and natural disciplines, Economics and finances 9:00-11:00 H, EG, CHSD
4 Exchange of opinions of members of expert group,report preparation New – 223 11:00-13:00 H, EG, C
5 Dinner Dining room 13:00-14:00 H, EG, C
6 Report preparation about the external audit N – 223 14:00-16:00 H, EG, C
7 Meeting with the managersRepresentation of preliminary results and recommendations Rector’s office 16:00-16:30 H, EG, C
8 Dinner Cafe 19:00-20:00 H, EG, C
Leaving of members of expert group Hotel According to the schedule H, EG, C, RP

Designations: Head – H; expert group – EG; coordinator – C,
the responsible person for external audit from higher education institution – RP, heads of structural divisions – HSD.

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