“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Список проектов КГИУ, поданных для участия в конкурсе на грантовое финансирование научных исследований на 2013-2015 годы

[Дата публикации: 31.07.2013, 09:20:18, published by: Әкімшілік]


РГП КГИУ для участия в конкурсе на грантовое финансирование научных исследований подал 31 проект:

  • Models of forming of automated information base for the development of complex transport scheme of the city based on the geoinformation technologies
  • The development of the interactive environment of student’s studying achievements using the modern information technologies
  • The development of the models of web-oriented geoinformaiton system for the description of the industrial enterprise infrastructure
  • Development of technology on complex processing of combustible slates of the Central Kazakhstan with receiving coke gas, slate oil and an  aluminum silicon alloy
  • The theoretical basis for obtaining a new group of ferroalloys to create advanced materials with a given level of properties and chemical composition
  • Research of the mechanism of the state support of microcredit of agriculture
  • Research and development of technological process of burning of ammonia from couple ammonia mixes (CAM), purification of coke gas without application of sulfuric acid by ammonia burning in the copper utilizer furnace
  • Development of technology for integrated manganese-based ferroalloy with reactive alkaline earth metal additives and its application in the processing of steel
  • Development of technology for obtaining of new barium-bearing complex alloy-modifier
  • Research of influence of a design of blow devices on the mechanism of hashing of a liquid bathtub for the purpose of improvement of modes and technology of a purge
  • Processing and utilization of iron-coal-carbon containing waste of metallurgical and coke-chemical productions
  • Ways of formation of linguistic-cultural competence in the context of modernity
  • «Social-political tendencies of contemporary Kazakhstan development in conditions of system modernization»
  • Getting forged pieces by combining casting and landing on horizontal forging machines (GCM)
  • Development of technological methods to improve the profile and flatness of hot rolled strip
  • Development of technology for technological lubricant for cold rolled sheets and tin
  • Development scientifically grounded bases of management formation of the transverse profile and flatness of thin bands on the rolling mills to expand broadband rolled grades
  • Development of casting and deformation technology of receiving of composite materials on the basis of an aluminum matrix with application of carbon containing ultra-disperse raw materials
  • Program Technical Complex “Express analysis of Plastic Forming metal during metal forming.”
  • Development of technology for obtaining of new barium-bearing complex alloy-modifier
  • Research of interacted piles progressive structures in conditions of difficult engineering-geological situation by mining layers working
  • “Processing and recycling of flotation of coal preparation factories”
  • “Theoretical basis working out for forging in special tools realizing simple shear scheme that allows to obtain forgings with high-rate mechanical and exploitation properties”
  • Development of technology of receiving a new barium containing complex alloy – the modifier
  • Hydrometallurgical ways of Lisakovskconcentractdephosphorization
  • Studying of physical and chemical and heattechnical properties composite fuels on the basis of the liquid hydrocarbons made hydropercussion – cavitational way, for the purpose of increase of efficiency of their use in metallurgical and power units
  • The Development of a new contact device – “inclined type” tray
  • Problems of social and economic development of the human capital of the countries of the former Soviet Union
  • Development of the software-hardware complex of management mnogodvigatel automated electric drive based on adaptive control systems with model reference
  • Development of a device for measuring the angle of the rotor run-synchronous machine
  • Development of the information and analytical software for bloommachines of continuous pouring of steel for the purpose of prevention of emergencies and decrease in material and financial losses

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