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International conferences 2013

[Дата публикации: 02.02.2013, 00:32:49, published by: Әкімшілік]


Informational letter

Conference name: II International scientific conference «High technologies – pledge of a sustainable development» KazNTU named after К.I. Satpayev

Organizers: High technologies and sustainable development institute, director of the institute – professor Kumekov Serik Eshmuhambetovich, assistant of the director – Tumabayeva Aigerim Kadyrbekovna 2577139_ivt@mail.ru, mobile ph. 87017313364, mobile ph. 87076101058

Terms of realization:       23-25 of  May 2013, Almaty Satpayev st., 22

Discussion of results of the scientific-research work, definition of the priority innovative directions of scientific researches.


Informational letter

Conference name: International scientific-practice conference «Innovations and scientific developments – strategic way of development of mining and metallurgical complex of Kazakhstan» devoted to anniversary of the prominent scientist-metallurgist – member of KazUUR, doctor of technical sciences, professor Ibragim Abylgazievich Onayev

Contacts: Mining metallurgical institute, KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev 257 70 43, 292 31 21, 292 94 37, nurdos@bk.ru, dauletbakov_t@mail.ru, akd020459@mail.ru

Terms of realization: 2nd decade of September 2013, KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, assembly hall  of mining metallurgical complex.

Definition of sign tendencies of innovative development of mining and metallurgical complex of Kazakhstan and prospect of its consolidation with the world mining and metallurgical industry.


Informational letter

Conference name: International scientific-practice conference «Modern composite materials: theory and practice»

Contacts: KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, Architecture and Building Institute Chair, Akmalayev K.A. Теl. 8-701-759-81-54

Terms of realization: 29-30 of October 2013,  Almaty Satpayev, 22

Exchange of experience advance of the scientific directions and ideas


Informational letter

Conference name: International scientific-practice conference «Formation  of good neighbor ethnoconfessional relations as one of most important tasks of modern civilization»


Konovalov Aleksey Petrovich, candidate of historical sciences, the honored worker of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the director of the center of social monitoring and forecasting of Semipalatinsk state university named after Shakarim.

Panin Michael Semyonovich, doctor of biological sciences, pro-rector of scientific work and international connections of Semipalatinsk State Pedagogical institute, chairman of public association “Semipalatinsk Russian social-culture Center”.

Balyayev Sergey Ivanovich, candidate of psychology sciences, senior lecturer of chair of general psychology  of Mordovian state university named after N.P. Ogarev.


Doroshin Boris Anatolievich, candidate of historical sciences, senior lecturer of philosophy chair of Penza state technological academy.


Accompanying note: К-02.01.13

Contact tel. (8412) 21-68-14 –

General director SIC «Sociosphere» – Doroshina Ilona Gennadievna,

Chief redactor – Doroshin Boris Anatolievich.

Our site https://sociosphera.com

Our e-mail: sociosphera@yandex.ru

Terms of realization: 1st –2nd of February 2013. Form of conference realizing – correspondence. ISBN will be appropriated to the collection of materials.


Informational letter


Terms of realization: 25–26 OF January 2013. Forrn of realizing conference– correspondence. ISBN will be appropriated to the collection of materials.



Accompanying note: К-01.25.13

Contact tel (8412) 21-68-14 –

General director SIC «Sociosphere» – Doroshina Ilona Gennadievna,

Chief redactor – Doroshin Boris Anatolievich

Our site https://sociosphera.com

Our e-mail: sociosphera@yandex.ru


Informational letter

Conference name: III international scientific – practice conference «Social-economical development and life quality: history and present»

Terms of realization: 15–16 of March 2013. Forrn of realizing conference– correspondence. ISBN will be appropriated to the collection of materials.


Naidyonova Lyudmila Ivanovna, doctor of social sciences, professor of Penza state technological academy.

Konovalov Aleksey Petrovich, candidate of historical sciences, the honored worker of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the director of the center of social monitoring and forecasting of Semipalatinsk state university named after Shakarim.

Doroshin Boris Anatolievich, candidate of historical sciences, senior lecturer of philosophy chair of Penza state technological academy.

Accompanying note: К-03.15.13

Contact tel (8412) 21-68-14 –

General director SIC «Sociosphere» – Doroshina Ilona Gennadievna,

Chief redactor – Doroshin Boris Anatolievich

Our site https://sociosphera.com

Our e-mail: sociosphera@yandex.ru


Informational letter

Conference name: international scientific – practice conference «Kazakhstan society of general work: social-pedagogical, economical, innovative and law aspects»

Organizers: Zhambyl humanitarian-technical university

Terms of realization: 12-13 of April 2013


Informational letter

Conference name: International scientific congress «Khan Abylai and state independence of Kazakhstan” devoted to 300 anniversary of khan Abylai»

Organizers: Kokshetau state university named after Sh. Ualikhanov.

 Terms of realization: Kokshetau,  28 of June 2013.


Informational letter

Conference name: international scientific – practice conference «Valikhanov readings – 17.

Organizers: Kokshetau state university named after Sh. Ualikhanov.

Terms of realization: Kokshetau, from 24 to 26 of April 2013


Informational letter

Conference name: international scientific – practice conference «COMPETITIVE SEEDS – THE STABLE CROP»

Organizers: Poltava state agrarian academy.

 Terms of realization: 30-31 of January 2013


Informational letter

Conference name: international scientific – practice internet-conference «DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE ECONOMICS IN THE WORLD»

 Organizers: Almaty academy of economics and statistics.

 Terms of realization: 19-20 of February 2013, Almaty


Informational letter

Conference name: international conference «Computing and information technologies in science, equipment and education – 2013 (CIT-2013)»

Organizers: Eastern-Kazakhstan State technical university named after D. Serikbayev, Kazakh national university named after Al-Farabi, scientific-research institute of mathematics and mechanics at KazNU named after al-Farabi, National engineering academy of Republic of Kazakhstan.

 Terms of realization: 15 to 18 of August 2013


Informational letter

Conference name: international scientific – practice conference on theme: «Modern integration processes: qualified new forms», devoted to key посвященная ключевым provisions of the Message of the President of RK – the Leader of the nation Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050″: new political policy of the taken place state”

 Organizers: Kazakh Universtity of International relations and World languages

Terms of realization: 19 of April 2013


Informational letter

Conference name: 10th international scientific – practice conference «Central Asia in Центральная Азия в world community – problems and possibilities».

Organizers: KIMEP

Terms of realization: from 4 to 6 of April 2013.  


Informational letter

Conference name: international scientific – practice conference «Kazakhstan society of general work: social-pedagogical, economical, innovative and law aspects»

Organizers: Zhambyl humanitarian-technical university

Terms of realization: 12-13 of April 2013.  


Informational letter

Conference name: the III international scientific – practice conference Biodiversity, environmental problems of Mountain Altai and adjacent regions: real, last, future “.

Organizers: Mountain-Altai state university

Terms of realization: 23-27 of September 2013


Informational letter

Conference name: the IV international scientific – practice internet – conference «Problems and prospects of development of science in the beginning of the 3rd millennium in the countries of UIS».

 Organizers: Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky state pedagogical university named after Grigory Skovoroda

Terms of realization: 29 – 31 of January  2013.  


Informational letter

Conference name: international scientific – practice internet-conference «Science and education in the modern world».

Organizers: Karaganda university  «Bolashak»

Terms of realization: 22-23 of February 2013.  


Informational letter

Conference name: the I international scientific – practice conference of young scientisits, graduate students, competitors and undergraduates “Actual problems of modern science”.

Organizers: Krasnodar cooperative institute of the Russian university of cooperation

Terms of realization: 28 of February 2013.


Informational letter

Conference name: international scientific – practice conference of young scientisits, graduate students, competitors and undergraduates «Knowledge of the young: science, practice and innovations».

Organizers: Administration of Vyatka state agricultural academy, Kirov

Terms of realization: 5 of April 2013.


Informational letter

Conference name: scientific-theoretical seminar on a subject: «Modern paradigms of developments of management in Kazakhstan», devoted to 80-year anniversary of the large scientist-economist, the Honoured worker of national education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor Berdaliyev K.B.

Organizers: Kazakh economics university named after T. Ryskulov

Terms of realization: 1of February 2013


Informational letter

Conference name: the IX international scientific – practice conference «Business and education: development vector».  The role of innovations in international knowledge transpher

Organizers: International Business Academy

Terms of realization: Almaty, 8 of February 2013


Просмотров: 755
02.02.2013, 00:32:49, Әкімшілік Categories: Conferences, International