“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Dear teachers, staff, students!

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18.03.2021, 13:57:49, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News


In the past 2020, the Center for the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Operator of the information system «Register of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education») organized an examination of educational programs in the direction of training «6B073 Architecture and Construction».

The purpose of this program is to train highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of construction production with a high level of knowledge, skills, professional design skills based on BIM technologies and possession of modern methods of effective organization and production of construction work, with the necessary professional and personal competencies sufficient for successful activities. at the enterprises of the construction complex in accordance with the requirements of the regional, republican and international labor markets. The priority of the educational program is a practice-oriented direction for the reconstruction and strengthening of construction objects, taking into account modern requirements for energy efficiency and durability, the development of methods of architectural and construction 3D design based on BIM technologies, the implementation of the resource method for calculating the estimated cost of construction.

More than 50 educational programs were submitted for examination. As a result of the work done, a letter of thanks for the responsibility and professionalism within the framework of the examination of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education was received by the head of the Department of Construction, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Bazarov Baurzhan Anuarkhanovich.

18.03.2021, 11:35:43, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News


The activities of the scientific circle involve all students who are interested in the problems of modern chemical technology, who want to get a solid general theoretical basis and acquire practical research skills that will help them in training and scientific activities in other departments and in their future profession. In the circle, students from the first year already learn the basics of research activities: working with scientific literature, introducing information on a selected topic to world databases, setting tasks, performing the experimental part of the study, analyzing the data obtained. The results of the research work carried out by students are expressed in different forms: oral and poster reports, presentations, abstracts, scientific articles, speeches at student scientific conferences.

In the process of studying in a circle, students conduct scientific research in the framework of the following scientific directions of the department:

Development of synthesis technology and study of the biological activity of acetylene derivatives.

Acetylenic alcohols are valuable products with a wide range of practical applications: intermediates in the synthesis of odoriferous substances, medicines and vitamins, anticorrosive agents for protecting oil equipment, modifiers of motor fuels, emulsifiers, starting materials for the synthesis of monomers.

The advantage of the new technology for the production of acetylenic alcohols over the known ones lies in the safety, efficiency and higher intensity of the process: liquid ammonia (a toxic, irritating solvent that forms explosive mixtures with air) is not used, acetylene is used at atmospheric pressure, the process is carried out at a temperature close to room temperature , no harmful emissions and waste.

Development of technology for producing foaming agents for flotation processes of beneficiation of non-ferrous metal ores.

Currently, there is no production of flotation reagents in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Due to the reduction in the amount of rich ores, ores with a low grade of the target metal are being supplied to concentrators more and more, which leads to the need for new flotation reagents capable of increasing the recoverability.

The solution to this problem is to carry out the following activities:

Creation of technology for the production of foaming agents, which increase the percentage of recovery of the target product;

Conducting tests at the processing plant of the Corporation «KazakhMys»;

Industrial production of foam reagents.

Development of methods for the synthesis of derivatives of oxyquinoline.

A procedure has been developed for the synthesis of ester derivatives of oxyquinoline in a petroleum distillate medium using sulfuric acid as a catalyst. The product yield is within 90%. The obtained water-soluble derivatives according to the results of the prediction of biological activity are characterized by antimicrobial and antifungal effects.

Synthesis of biologically active substances and study of their activity by stripping voltammetry.

The problem of the synthesis of new biologically active substances and the creation on their basis of new drugs with a complex of properties valuable for medicine is one of the most important tasks of modern organic, bioorganic and medicinal chemistry due to the ever increasing spread of new viral respiratory infections.

One of the promising ways in the development of new drugs is the search for new biologically active substances among the available natural compounds, their derivatives and modified analogs.

The creative potential of the student scientific circle of the Department of Chemical Technology and Ecology does not fade away, this is confirmed by the results that students demonstrate in competitions of student research papers.

18.03.2021, 11:32:52, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News

The School of Integrity, the student club «Sanaly Urpak» together with the Department of Educational Work and Youth Policy in accordance with the Model Comprehensive Plan of the Project Office «SANALY URPAQ» conducted a survey on manifestations of corruption among students

On March 16, at the Karaganda Industrial University, the School of Integrity, the student club «Sanaly Urpak» together with the Department of Educational Work and Youth Policy in accordance with the Model Comprehensive Plan of the Project Office «SANALY URPAQ» conducted a survey on manifestations of corruption among students.

The purpose of the survey is to monitor compliance with the principles of academic integrity and identify effective ways to improve the culture of integrity in the student environment.

The survey was conducted in an online format on the KarIU website.

The number of respondents who took part in the survey was 295 people (students of 1,2,3,4 courses).

As a result of the survey, the students noted:

– the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures;

– adherence to academic principles at the university is under

Strict control;

– corruption risks among students.

18.03.2021, 11:28:15, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News

«Nauryz toyy – bereke, Nauryz toyy – mereke»

The Karaganda Industrial University held a photo collage competition on the theme: «Nauryz toyy – bereke, Nauryz toyy – mereke».

The purpose of the competition: the promotion of national customs, rituals, family traditions.

Students submitted bright works to the competition, which captured moments of Nauryz celebration in their families, significant events and folk traditions.  1st year students studying in the specialties «Technology of pharmaceutical production», «Software engineering» took an active part in the competition.  We express our gratitude to all the participants, the jury will sum up the results and determine the best works.

The best photographs of the participants of the competition will be awarded with diplomas of 1, 2 and 3 degrees, as well as with diplomas in additional nominations.

17.03.2021, 16:03:17, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News