“В целом перед казахстанским образованием и наукой стоит масштабная, неотложная задача – не просто поспевать за новыми веяниями, а быть на шаг впереди, генерировать тренды.”

К. К. Токаев

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Карагандинский индустриальный университет — ведущий вуз Казахстана по подготовке высококвалифицированных кадров для го...

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International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials (ICCEAM 2013)

[Дата публикации: 01.04.2013, 16:54:27, опубликовал: Әкімшілік]


ICCEAM 2013, www.icceam.org, July 6-7, Guangzhou, China

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the international conference “Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials ” (ICCEAM-2013) to be held in Guangzhou, July 6th–7th, 2013.

The program will include plenary and invited lectures, oral presentations, poster presentations, and an exhibition. We wish to cover all important areas of Chemical Engineering, Advanced Materials and its interactions with other sciences.

International journal will published all the accepted paper. All paper will be indexed in the major academic databases, includingEICompendex, Thomson ISIP (CPCI), Elsevier SCOPUS, Chemical Abstracts (CA), and other indexing services

Please sent us your full paper on April 30th.

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