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[Дата публикации: 04.11.2019, 14:39:06, published by: Әкімшілік]


On November 2, 2019 within the framework of the program “rukhani zhangyru” young teachers of the Department “construction” of karaganda state industrial university Mun Irina Anatolyevna, Kaldanova Balzhan Oralovna and Kasenova Aigerim Nursultan for students of the specialty “Construction” together with the US Embassy in Kazakhstan organized a visiting lecture – excursion Dual study (Dual training) in the city of Nur — Sultan.

The trip was realized thanks to a grant played out between US Alumni and pursued the following goals:

1) Participation in the lecture on “the Practice of implementing part of the training “site lecture”.

2) Participation in the discussion on the topics: ” Akmola camp of wives of traitors to the Motherland and Karaganda correctional labor camp”, “the Role of women in the history of Kazakhstan” and ” Conscious acceptance of history in the framework of the program “Ruhani Zhangyru”.

The first destination was a visit to the house-museum of Saken Seifullin, which is made of solid timber. This building was of particular significant interest to students, as in the training program of the Department “Construction” – one of the modules is the module “Wooden structures”.

At the stage of immersion in the atmosphere of life of S. Seifullin, whose short life is undoubtedly the richest layer in the History of Kazakhstan, the teacher of KS IU Kasenova Aigerim held a 30-minute lecture about the architectural style, design features, construction costs and ways of caring for this structure.

This was followed by a survey, discussion and discussion by students about engineering networks, environmental friendliness of the construction project and the cost of maintenance of the building.

ITt should be  noted that the stand with personal clothes of S. Seifullin, whose style was a restrained elegance of the European style, aroused genuine interest among students in the house- museum.

After a short break, the tour bus went to the village of Malinovka-the world’s only camp for women: “ALGIR” – Akmola Camp of wives of Traitors to the Motherland. The entrance to the museum is laid through the “Arch of sorrow”, made of black stone, as a reminder of the sorrowful days spent in the camp.  The building is two-storeyed, where in the center of the first floor there is a sculpture: a black rose.

The first floor has  brief general introduction to the historical events leading up to the construction of the camp. And the second floor tells the viewer about the life of the prisoners, among them a huge number of women who glorified the country in their time and after.  A string of beautiful, intelligent, educated, intelligent women stared at us from behind a glass partition, and from the lips of the guide poured the terrible truth about the lives of these women in the camp.

The tour plan included viewing the film “the Bitter cold of ALGIR “, where in the darkness of the cinema, you could give vent to emotions a little. After the film, the students wandered around the hall for a long time, reading the details on the stands and photographing the installations. The photos were not smiling-the crushing pain of past events unconsciously overcame the desire to be positive in the photo. In silent numbness we left Akmola Camp of wives of Traitors to the Motherland, trying not to disturb the sacred silence of the place, as if afraid to Wake the dead and hear them cry for their young children.

Summing up, we can safely say that this trip left a lasting impression in the hearts and minds of not only students but also teachers, as well as embodied the goals in the field of dual learning and interaction between student and teacher on the new lecture platform.


The press service of  KSIU.

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04.11.2019, 14:39:06, Әкімшілік Categories: News