[Дата публикации: 01.11.2019, 17:14:22, published by: Әкімшілік]
1 November 2019 in Karaganda state industrial university lecturer was held informational and educational event devoted to 100 – anniversary birthday Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot, native of the Karaganda region Nurken Abdirov at the Department of “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages” by Myrzahanova Ainur Temirbulatovna with the active participation of university students .The purpose of the event was to foster a sense of patriotism, pride in the heroes of the war. It is our duty and honor to preserve the memory of those who performed a great feat in the name of peace on Earth. One of the heroes of the Kazakh people was Nurken Abdirov, whose biography contains only twenty-three years.
In memory of those who killed in the battles against fascism, students honored the memory of the famous hero with a minute of silence.
In 1938, Nurken Abdirov has arrived on service in bodies of Prosecutor’s office of Karaganda region, the first secretary, then administrator of the regional Prosecutor’s office, and on August 22, 1939 worked as a national investigator of the Stalin district of the city. February 27, 1940, investigator Abdirov was dismissed from the Prosecutor’s office in connection with the call to the ranks of the workers ‘and peasants’ red army and sent to the Orenburg aviation school. After graduating from College in 1942, Nurken Abdirov was enrolled in the 808th regiment of the 267th aviation division.
During his 16 sorties Nurken Abdirov destroyed 12 enemy tanks, 28 vehicles, three fuel tanks, three guns. On 19 December 1943, he flew the 17th sortie, tasked with destroying enemy fortifications and tanks near the village of Bokov-Ponomarevka, near Stalingrad.
The event was viewed presentation material a short bibliographical reference on the life of N. After repair, also attention to Myrzahanova A. T. presented the video ” We remember and proud” of heroism and courage, about life and about the feat of our countryman, whose name is one of the avenues of the city where the monument to the hero of N. Abdirov.
The press service of KSIU.
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