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[Дата публикации: 01.11.2019, 12:43:24, published by: Әкімшілік]


October 30, 2019 in Karaganda state industrial university lecturer of the Department “Construction” Kasenova A. K. with the active participation of students of groups PGS-19K, PGS-19sk was held an open curatorial hour on the theme: “Kazakhstan-the Golden cradle of the Turkic world.”

The main purpose of the event is to contribute to the formation of a high sense of student youth

Kazakhstan patriotism and pride for the Homeland Kazakhstan.

Objectives: education of love, respect and interest in the culture, historical past and heritage of the Kazakh people; enrichment of the inner world of students, the development of a common Outlook.

The study of the Turkic world is one of the most interesting topics in the history of the formation of the Kazakh statehood. The Turkic world, having experienced a whole era of decline, is now on the rise. Do not forget that the Altai is of great importance for the history of the Kazakhs and other peoples of Eurasia. From time immemorial, these majestic mountains not only adorned the lands of Kazakhstan, but also were the cradle of the Turks. It was here in the middle of the I Millennium ad that the Turkic world was born, and a new milestone in the life of the great steppe came. History and geography formed a special model of continuity of the Turkic States, the great steppe empires. For many centuries, they successively succeeded each other, leaving their significant mark on the economic, political and cultural landscape of medieval Kazakhstan. Having mastered the space within wide geographical boundaries, the Turks were able to create a symbiosis of nomadic and sedentary civilizations, which led to the flowering of medieval cities, which became centers of art, science and world trade.

During the curatorial hour, a presentation material on the theme “Golden cradle of the Turkic world” was shown and a video about the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people was viewed.

During the summing up of the event, the participants noted that it is necessary to remember, appreciate and be proud of their history.


The press service of  KSIU


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01.11.2019, 12:43:24, Әкімшілік Categories: News