“В целом перед казахстанским образованием и наукой стоит масштабная, неотложная задача – не просто поспевать за новыми веяниями, а быть на шаг впереди, генерировать тренды.”

К. К. Токаев

Блог ректора

Карагандинский индустриальный университет — ведущий вуз Казахстана по подготовке высококвалифицированных кадров для го...

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Лекция на тему «Современные тенденции в образовании»

[Дата публикации: 20.05.2014, 10:57:03, опубликовал: Әкімшілік]


21 МАЯ 2014 ГОДА в 15.00 в Н-325 ауд. состоится ЛЕКЦИЯ на тему «Современные тенденции в образовании» с участием профессора Университета Марибора Дусана  Радонжика (г. Марибор, Республика Словения).

Кафедра «Менеджмент и бизнес

Course programme for Masters

Professor, doctor economical of scienceDusanRadonjik

«Modern management-marketing» 

The name of the theme

Kind of lessons
1 Introduction:

traditional market concepts versus marketing concert;

— marketing as a organizational system;

— marketing as a business process;

— basic marketing strategies;

— marketing tactics (marketing mix);

— from 4P to 15 P;

— market(ing) environment;

— how to organize marketing department.

Questions – answers action
2 Systems of Marketing Researches and marketing information:

marketing research process;

— research design and implementation;

— secondary sources of marketing data;

— data collection;

— primary sources of market information;

— survery methods;

— analyses of secondary data;

— designing the questionnaire;

— attitude measurement.

Practical lesson
3 Marketing Imformational System (MIS):

— MIS as a support system;

— Structure of MIS;

— marketing decision making process and MIS;

— how to analyze marketing information needs;

— preparing proper marketing information for different management levels;

— MDSS versus MKIS;

— technical approach to MIS;

— organizational approach to MIS.


Short composition

4 Strategic Marketing:

— strategic management and strategic marketing;

— strategic dimensions of marketing;

— strategic marketing in the marketing process;

— analyses of internal environment of the Company;

— analyses of external environment of the Company;

— strategic diagnoses and prognoses;

— strategic marketing planning;

— formulating the strategic marketing targets;

— basic marketing strategy;

— strategic positioning;

— implementing strategic marketing plan.

Preparing reports
5 Analyses of organization:

— making mission of Company;

— development of marketing goals;

— analyses of strong and weakness sides of Company;

— integration marketing and production.


Solving tasks



Professor                                                            DusanRadonjik

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